nLab networks of category theorists

This page collects the various networks and communities, in the largest possible sense, of mathematicians and non-mathematicians whose research is category theory-oriented.

It is by no means a comprehensive list, in strict alphabetic order.

  • Applied Category Theory (ACT) – On applied category theory.

  • CoACT – the Centre of Australian Category Theory at Macquarie University.

  • ItaCa – a network of Italian category theorists. The network organises both a permanent on-line seminar, and a annual in-person meeting. Besides these scientific activities, they are also committed to the popularization of CT on italian soil. In 2021 they hosted on YouTube a full introductory course in italian.

  • Math-Phys-Cat (home page) – Mathematical-Physics and Categorification Group, a Brazilian research group on mathematical physics with emphasis on higher category theory and physics.

  • TallCats – the Compositional Systems and Methods group at TalTech University, Tallinn, Estonia.

  • Topos institute – an “independent scientific institute devoted to fundamental inquiry that shapes the technologies of tomorrow”.

  • YaMCATS – the Yorkshire and Midlands Category Theory Seminar, is a category theory research network between the universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Leicester and Sheffield. The network is partially funded by the London Mathematical Society.

Feel free to continue the list!

Last revised on July 23, 2024 at 07:35:40. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.