nLab proto-exact category

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Proto-exact category is a nonadditive generalization of a Quillen exact category. The definition is self-dual as the notion of Quillen exact category is.


A proto-exact category is a pointed category AA, with zero object 00, together with two classes of morphisms, II and DD, called inflations and deflations such that

(i) each morphism 0U0\to U is an inflation and each morphism U0U\to 0 is a deflation

(ii) classes II and DD are closed under composition and contain all isomorphisms

(iii) each square of the form

U V W Z\array{ U &\rightarrow &V\\ \downarrow && \downarrow\\ W &\rightarrow & Z }

where the horizontal arrows are inflations and the vertical arrows are deflations is a pushout iff it is a pullback

(iv) Every diagram of the form WZVW\rightarrow Z\leftarrow V where WZW\rightarrow Z is a deflation and ZVZ\leftarrow V a inflation may be completed to a biCartesian square of the form in (iii)

(v) Every diagram of the form WUVW\leftarrow U\rightarrow V where WUW\leftarrow U is an inflation and UVU\rightarrow V a deflation may be completed to a biCartesian square of the form in (iii)


The concept originates in

  • Tobias Dyckerhoff, Mikhail Kapranov, Higher Segal spaces I, arxiv:1212.3563; now part of the book T. Dyckerhoff, M. Kapranov, Higher Segal spaces, Springer LNM 2244 (2019) doi
  • Jaiung Jun, Matt Szczesny?, Jeffrey Tolliver, Proto-exact categories of matroids, Hall algebras, and K-theory Math. Z. 296 (2020) 147–167 doi
  • Jaiung Jun, Matt Szczesny?, Jeffrey Tolliver, Proto-exact categories of modules over semirings and hyperrings, arXiv:2202.01573

Proto-exact categories, introduced by Dyckerhoff and Kapranov, are a generalization of Quillen exact categories which provide a framework for defining algebraic K-theory and Hall algebras in a \emph{non-additive} setting. This formalism is well-suited to the study of categories whose objects have strong combinatorial flavor. In this paper, we show that the categories of modules over semirings and hyperrings - algebraic structures which have gained prominence in tropical geometry - carry proto-exact structures. In the first part, we prove that the category of modules over a semiring is equipped with a proto-exact structure; modules over an idempotent semiring have a strong connection to matroids. We also prove that the category of algebraic lattices \mathcal{L} has a proto-exact structure, and furthermore that the subcategory of \mathcal{L} consisting of finite lattices is equivalent to the category of finite \mathcal{B}-modules as proto-exact categories, where \mathcal{B} is the Boolean semifield. We also discuss some relations between \mathcal{L} and geometric lattices (simple matroids) from this perspective. In the second part, we prove that the category of modules over a hyperring has a proto-exact structure. In the case of finite modules over the Krasner hyperfield K\mathbf{K}, a well-known relation between finite K\mathbf{K}-modules and finite incidence geometries yields a combinatorial interpretation of exact sequences.

  • Matthew B Young, Degenerate versions of Green’s theorem for Hall modules, J. Pure & Applied Algebra 225 (2021) 106557 doi

  • J. Hekking, Segal objects in homotopical categories & K-theory of proto-exact categories, master thesis 2017 pdf

Created on September 24, 2023 at 16:51:24. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.