nLab quantized enveloping algebra

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Quantized enveloping algebras are certain deformations of the universal enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras considered as Hopf algebras. They were first introduced by Drinfeld and Jimbo.

There are several variants. The deformation can be understood in hh-adic sense (Drinfeld’s approach, U h(g)U_h(g)) where in the classical case hh tends to 00, or one can introduce a parameter qq which in the classical case tends to 11. In the latter case, the parameter can be formal, say we work over k[q,q 1]k[q,q^{-1}] where kk is the ground ring what is accomplished by defining so called rational form U q(g)U_q(g) of the quantized enveloping algebra. There is also an integral form over [q,q 1]\mathbb{Z}[q,q^{-1}], introduced by Lusztig. The parameter can be also specialized to a value in the field where the simplest case is when qq is transcendental. In the case when q=ϵq = \epsilon is a primitive root of unity several variants exist (e.g. restricted and nonrestricted variants). The behaviour usually differs notably between the even and odd primitive roots of unity.

Special care should be made when defining the quantized enveloping algebras for q=0q = 0. This crystal limit is very important as it lead to the discovery of the canonical/crystal bases of Lusztig and Kashiwara.

Quantized coordinate rings of quantum groups are essentially dual to the corresponding quantized enveloping algebras.

Last revised on May 6, 2019 at 19:56:57. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.