nLab radical ring

A radical ring is a ring RR whose Jacobson ideal equals the ring, J(R)=RJ(R) = R.

Regarding that one characterization of the Jacobson ideal is that it is the intersection of all left annihilators of simple RR-modules, that means that there are no simple modules.

For every ring (R,+,,0,1)(R,+,\cdot,0,1) there is a Jacobson circle operation \circ defined by

ab=ab+a+b a\circ b = a\cdot b + a + b

Now, (R,,0)(R,\circ,0) is a semigroup. Jacobson has proven that the circle semigroup is a group iff (R,+,,0,1)(R,+,\cdot,0,1) is a radical ring. In that case one calls this group the adjoint group R R^\circ of the radical ring RR. Every radical ring RR is a right R R^\circ-module via r a=ra+rr^a = r\cdot a + r for rRr\in R, aR a\in R^\circ. Indeed,

(r a) b=(ra+r)b+ra+r=r(ab+b+a)+r=r(ab)+r(r^a)^b = (r\cdot a + r)\cdot b + r\cdot a + r = r\cdot (a\cdot b + b + a)+r = r\cdot (a\circ b) + r
category: algebra

Last revised on August 23, 2022 at 11:57:02. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.