nLab supersymmetry in fractional quantum Hall systems -- references

Supersymmetry in fractional quantum Hall systems

Supersymmetry in fractional quantum Hall systems

On hidden supersymmetry in fractional quantum Hall systems between even- and odd-level (filling-fraction) quantum states (Laughlin wavefunctions and their variants):

(for a similar phenomenon cf. also hadron supersymmetry)

The use of supergeometry in the description of fractional quantum Hall systems, and the observation that the Moore&Read state is the top super field-component of a super-Laughlin wavefunction was promoted in:

Based on this, the proposal that specifically the two collective modes of the ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 Moore&Read-state should be superpartners of each other, is due to:

further discussed in:

Last revised on January 8, 2025 at 19:59:31. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.