nLab uniform cover

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Uniform covers


A uniform cover is an open cover in which enough of the subsets have a uniform minimal size. This doesn't make sense in (say) an arbitrary topological space, but it does make sense in a uniform space (or a uniform locale). In fact, it's possible to define a uniform space by specifying which covers are uniform.


The most general definition (that we have here so far) is in a uniform space or locale, but we can write down the definition in other familiar situations as well.

In a metric space

Let XX be a (pseudo)metric space. A collection 𝒞\mathcal{C} of subsets of XX is a uniform cover if:

  • For some positive number ϵ\epsilon, every open ball of radius ϵ\epsilon is contained in some element of 𝒞\mathcal{C}.

In a topological group or vector space

Let XX be a topological vector space or even a topological abelian group. A collection 𝒞\mathcal{C} of subsets of XX is a uniform cover if:

  • For some neighbourhood NN of 00 (the identity element of the group), every set of the form a+Na + N is contained in some element of 𝒞\mathcal{C}.

If XX is a topological group, then we have both left-uniform and right-uniform covers, depending on whether we use aNa N or NaN a in the definition above. (I'm not sure what the convention is, if any, on which is left and which is right.)

In a uniform space

Sometimes the notion of uniform cover is taken as axiomatic in the definition of uniform space. But if we define a uniform space in terms of entourages, then we have:

Let XX be a uniform space. A collection 𝒞\mathcal{C} of subsets of XX is a uniform cover if:

  • For some entourage UU, every set of the form U[a]{b:X|a Ub}U[a] \coloneqq \{ b\colon X \;|\; a \approx_U b \} is contained in some element of 𝒞\mathcal{C}.

This definition subsumes both (pseudo)metric spaces and topological groups (although a nonabelian topological group has two uniform structures, corresponding to the two notions of uniform cover).

Last revised on January 25, 2011 at 08:36:38. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.