1001 Dennis A. Hejhal The Selberg Trace Formula for PSL(2,R) Volume 2 978-3-540-12323-1 1983 1002 Albert Edrei Zeros of Sections of Power Series 978-3-540-12318-7 1983 1003 Jean Schmets Spaces of Vector-Valued Continuous Functions 978-3-540-12327-9 1983 1004 Ralph S. Freese Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference Held at Puebla, Mexico, 1982 978-3-540-12329-3 1983 1005 Victor Pereyra Numerical Methods Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Caracas, June 14–18, 1982 978-3-540-12334-7 1983 1006 Rüdiger Göbel Abelian Group Theory Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA December 28, 1982 – January 4, 1983 978-3-540-12335-4 1983 1007 J. Palis Geometric Dynamics Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Instituto de Matématica Pura e Aplicada Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, July – August 1981 978-3-540-12336-1 1983 1008 I. Dolgachev Algebraic Geometry Proceedings of the Third Midwest Algebraic Geometry Conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, November 14–15, 1981 978-3-540-12337-8 1983 1009 T. A. Chapman Controlled Simple Homotopy Theory and Applications 978-3-540-12338-5 1983 1010 Jacques-Edouard Dies Chaînes de Markov sur les permutations 978-3-540-12669-0 1983 1011 Israel Michael Sigal Scattering Theory for Many-Body Quantum Mechanical Systems — Rigorous Results 978-3-540-12672-0 1983 1012 Shmuel Kantorovitz Spectral Theory of Banach Space Operators Ck-classification, abstract Volterra operators, similarity, spectrality, local spectral analysis 978-3-540-12673-7 1983 1013 Cabiria Andreian Cazacu Complex Analysis — Fifth Romanian-Finnish Seminar Part 1 Proceedings of the Seminar held in Bucharest, June 28 – July 3, 1981 978-3-540-12682-9 1983 1014 Cabiria Andreian Cazacu Complex Analysis — Fifth Romanian-Finnish Seminar Part 2 Proceedings of the Seminar held in Bucharest, June 28 – July 3, 1981 978-3-540-12683-6 1983 1015 Raymond Gérard Equations différentielles et systèmes de Pfaff dans le champ complexe — II Séminaire 978-3-540-12684-3 1983 1016 Michel Raynaud Algebraic Geometry Proceedings of the Japan-France Conference held at Tokyo and Kyoto, October 5–14, 1982 978-3-540-12685-0 1983 1017 H. W. Knobloch Equadiff 82 Proceedings of the international conference held in Würzburg, FRG, August 23–28, 1982 978-3-540-12686-7 1983 1018 M. Borowiecki Graph Theory Proceedings of a Conference held in Lagów, Poland, February 10–13, 1981 978-3-540-12687-4 1983 1019 Alexander S. Kechris Cabal Seminar 79–81 Proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1979–81 978-3-540-12688-1 1983 1020 Jaques Carmona Non Commutative Harmonic Analysis and Lie Groups Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Marseille Luminy, 21–26 June, 1982 978-3-540-12717-8 1983 1021 Jurii V. Prokhorov Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Proceedings of the Fourth USSR - Japan Symposium, held at Tbilisi, USSR, August 23–29, 1982 978-3-540-12718-5 1983 1022 Graziano Gentili Geometry Seminar “Luigi Bianchi” Lectures given at the Scuola Normale Superiore, 1982 978-3-540-12719-2 1983 1023 Stephen McAdam Asymptotic Prime Divisors 978-3-540-12722-2 1983 1024 Rebecca Herb Lie Group Representations I Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1982–1983 978-3-540-12725-3 1983 1025 Daniel Tanré Homotopie Rationnelle: Modèles de Chen, Quillen, Sullivan 978-3-540-12726-0 1983 1026 Wilhelm Plesken Group Rings of Finite Groups Over p-adic Integers 978-3-540-12728-4 1983 1027 Morisuke Hasumi Hardy Classes on Infinitely Connected Riemann Surfaces 978-3-540-12729-1 1983 1028 Pierre Lelong Séminaire d’Analyse P.Lelong - P.Dolbeault - H. Skoda Années 1981/1983 978-3-540-12731-4 1983 1029 Marie-Paule Malliavin Séminaire d’Algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin Proceedings, Paris 1982 (35ème Année) 978-3-540-12699-7 1983 1030 Ulrich Christian Selberg’s Zeta-, L-, and Eisensteinseries 978-3-540-12701-7 1983 1031 Ph. Blanchard Dynamics and Processes Proceedings of the Third Encounter in Mathematics and Physics, held in Bielefeld, Germany Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 1981 978-3-540-12705-5 1983 1032 W. N. Everitt Ordinary Differential Equations and Operators A Tribute to F.V. Atkinson Proceedings of a Symposium held at Dundee, Scotland March – July 1982 978-3-540-12702-4 1983 1033 Jean-Marc Belley Measure Theory and its Applications Proceedings of a Conference held at Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, June 7–18, 1982 978-3-540-12703-1 1983 1034 Julian Musielak Orlicz Spaces and Modular Spaces 978-3-540-12706-2 1983 1035 B. D. Hughes The Mathematics and Physics of Disordered Media: Percolation, Random Walk, Modeling, and Simulation Proceedings of a Workshop held at the IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis February 13–19, 1983 978-3-540-12707-9 1983 1036 Louis ReynoldsAntoine Casse Combinatorial Mathematics X Proceedings of the Conference held in Adelaide, Australia, August 23–27, 1982 978-3-540-12708-6 1983 1037 Stig I. Andersson Non-linear Partial Differential Operators and Quantization Procedures Proceedings of a workshop held at Clausthal Federal Republic of Germany, 1981 978-3-540-12710-9 1983 1038 Francis Borceux Algebra in a Localic Topos with Applications to Ring Theory 978-3-540-12711-6 1983 1039 Julian Lawrynowicz Analytic Functions Blazejewko 1982 Proceedings of a Conference held in Blazejewko, Poland, August 19–27, 1982 978-3-540-12712-3 1983 1040 Anton Good Local Analysis of Selberg’s Trace Formula 978-3-540-12713-0 1983 1041 Rebecca Herb Lie Group Representations II Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park 1982–1983 978-3-540-12715-4 1984 1042 Allan Gut Amarts and Set Function Processes 978-3-540-12867-0 1983 1043 Victor P. Havin Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 199 Research Problems 978-3-540-12869-4 1984 1044 Eckart Gekeler Discretization Methods for Stable Initial Value Problems 978-3-540-12880-9 1984 1045 Antonio M. Naveira Differential Geometry Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Peñíscola, Spain, October 3–10, 1982 978-3-540-12882-3 1984 1047 H. Beirão da Veiga Fluid Dynamics Lectures given at the 3rd 1982 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Varenna, Italy, August 22 – September 1, 1982 978-3-540-12893-9 1984 1048 Carlo Cercignani Kinetic Theories and the Boltzmann Equation Lectures given at the 1st 1981 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Montecatini, Italy, June 10 – 18, 1981 978-3-540-12899-1 1984 1049 Bruno Iochum Cônes autopolaires et algèbres de Jordan 978-3-540-12901-1 1984 1050 Alexander Prestel Formally p-adic Fields 978-3-540-12890-8 1984 1051 Ib H. Madsen Algebraic Topology Aarhus 1982 Proceedings of a conference held in Aarhus, Denmark, August 1–7, 1982 978-3-540-12902-8 1984 1052 David V. Chudnovsky Number Theory A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1982 978-3-540-12909-7 1984 1053 Peter J. Hilton Nilpotente Gruppen und nilpotente Räume Nachdiplomvorlesung gehalten am Mathematik-Departement ETH Zürich 1981/82 978-3-540-12910-3 1984 1054 Vidar Thomée Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Problems 978-3-540-12911-0 1984 1055 Luigi Accardi Quantum Probability and Applications to the Quantum Theory of Irreversible Processes Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Villa Mondragone, Italy, September 6–11, 1982 978-3-540-12915-8 1984 1056 Lucian Badescu Algebraic Geometry Bucharest 1982 Proceedings of the International Conference held in Bucharest, Romania, August 2–7, 1982 978-3-540-12930-1 1984 1057 Luigi Salvadori Bifurcation Theory and Applications Lectures given at the 2nd 1983 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini, Italy, June 24 – July 2, 1983 978-3-540-12931-8 1984 1058 Bernd Aulbach Continuous and Discrete Dynamics near Manifolds of Equilibria 978-3-540-13329-2 1984 1059 J. Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XVIII 1982/83 Proceedings 978-3-540-13332-2 1984 1060 Ludwig D. Faddeev Topology General and Algebraic Topology, and Applications Proceedings of the International Topological Conference held in Leningrad, August 23–27, 1982 978-3-540-13337-7 1984 1061 M. Brelot Séminaire de Théorie du Potentiel Paris, No. 7 978-3-540-13338-4 1984 1062 Jürgen Jost Harmonic Maps Between Surfaces (with a Special Chapter on Conformal Mappings) 978-3-540-13339-1 1984 1063 Jerald L. Ericksen Orienting Polymers Proceedings of a Workshop held at the IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis March 21–26, 1983 978-3-540-13340-7 1984 1064 Herbert Heyer Probability Measures on Groups VII Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, 24–30 April 1983 978-3-540-13341-4 1984 1065 Annie Cuyt Padé Approximants for Operators: Theory and Applications 978-3-540-13342-1 1984 1066 David F. Griffiths Numerical Analysis Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, June 28 – July 1, 1983 978-3-540-13344-5 1984 1067 Yasuo Okuyama Absolute Summability of Fourier Series and Orthogonal Series 978-3-540-13355-1 1984 1068 Hendrik Jager Number Theory Noordwijkerhout 1983 Proceedings of the Journées Arithmétiques held at Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands July 11–15, 1983 978-3-540-13356-8 1984 1069 Matthias Kreck Bordism of Diffeomorphisms and Related Topics 978-3-540-13362-9 1984 1070 Michael Cwikel Interpolation Spaces and Allied Topics in Analysis Proceedings of the Conference held in Lund, Sweden, August 29 – September 1, 1983 978-3-540-13363-6 1984 1071 Helmut Werner Padé Approximation and its Applications Bad Honnef 1983 Proceedings of a Conference held at Bad Honnef, Germany March 7–10, 1983 978-3-540-13364-3 1984 1072 Franz Rothe Global Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Systems 978-3-540-13365-0 1984 1073 Khee Meng Koh Graph Theory Singapore 1983 Proceedings of the First Southeast Asian Graph Theory Colloquium, held in Singapore May 10–28, 1983 978-3-540-13368-1 1984 1074 Edward W. Stredulinsky Weighted Inequalities and Degenerate Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 978-3-540-13370-4 1984 1075 Hideyuki Majima Asymptotic Analysis for Integrable Connections with Irregular Singular Points 978-3-540-13375-9 1984 1076 Franz Kappel Infinite-Dimensional Systems Proceedings of the Conference on Operator Semigroups and Applications held in Retzhof (Styria), Austria, June 5–11, 1983 978-3-540-13376-6 1984 1077 Rebecca Herb Lie Group Representations III Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park 1982–1983 978-3-540-13385-8 1984 1078 A. J. E. M. Janssen Integration Theory 978-3-540-13386-5 1984 1079 Wolfgang Ruppert Compact Semitopological Semigroups: An Intrinsic Theory 978-3-540-13387-2 1984 1080 Dominik Szynal Probability Theory on Vector Spaces III Proceedings of a Conference held in Lublin, Poland, August 24–31, 1983 978-3-540-13388-9 1984 1081 David Benson Modular Representation Theory: New Trends and Methods 978-3-540-13389-6 1984 1081 David J. Benson Modular Representation Theory New Trends and Methods 978-3-540-13389-6 1984 1082 Claus-Günther Schmidt Arithmetik Abelscher Varietäten mit komplexer Multiplikation 978-3-540-13863-1 1984 1083 Daniel Bump Automorphic Forms on GL (3,R) 978-3-540-13864-8 1984 1084 Dennis Kletzing Structure and Representations of Q-groups 978-3-540-13865-5 1984 1085 Geertrui K. Immink Asymptotics of Analytic Difference Equations 978-3-540-13867-9 1984 1086 Vadim Komkov Sensitivity of Functionals with Applications to Engineering Sciences Proceedings of a Special Session of the American Mathematical Society Spring Meeting held in New York City May 1983 978-3-540-13871-6 1984 1087 Wladyslaw Narkiewicz Uniform Distribution of Sequences of Integers in Residue Classes 978-3-540-13872-3 1984 1088 Ashot Vazrikievich Kakosyan Characterization of Distributions by the Method of Intensively Monotone Operators 978-3-540-13857-0 1984 1089 D. Kölzow Measure Theory Oberwolfach 1983 Proceedings of the Conference held at Oberwolfach, June 26 – July 2, 1983 978-3-540-13874-7 1984 1090 K. Kenmotsu Differential Geometry of Submanifolds Proceedings of the Conference held at Kyoto, January 23–25, 1984 978-3-540-13873-0 1984 1091 Gabriella Salinetti Multifunctions and Integrands Stochastic Analysis, Approximation and Optimization Proceedings of a Conference held in Catania, Italy, June 7–16, 1983 978-3-540-13882-2 1984 1092 Silvio Greco Complete Intersections Lectures given at the 1st 1983 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Acireale (Catania), Italy, June 13–21, 1983 978-3-540-13884-6 1984 1093 Alexander Prestel Lectures on Formally Real Fields 978-3-540-13885-3 1984 1094 Eric Amar Analyse Complexe Proceedings of the Journées Fermat - Journées SMF, held at Toulouse, May 24–27, 1983 978-3-540-13886-0 1984 1095 Aubrey Truman Stochastic Analysis and Applications Proceedings of the International Conference held in Swansea, April 11–15, 1983 978-3-540-13891-4 1984 1096 Gabriel Mokobodzki Théorie du Potentiel Proceedings of the Colloque Jacques Deny held at Orsay, June 20–23, 1983 978-3-540-13894-5 1984 1097 R. M. Dudley École d’Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XII - 1982 978-3-540-13897-6 1984 1098 Ann Chi Kim Groups — Korea 1983 Proceedings of a Conference on Combinatorial Group Theory, held at Kyoungju, Korea, August 26–31, 1983 978-3-540-13890-7 1984 1099 Claus Michael Ringel Tame Algebras and Integral Quadratic Forms 978-3-540-13905-8 1984 1100 Victor Ivrii Precise Spectral Asymptotics for Elliptic Operators Acting in Fiberings over Manifolds with Boundary 978-3-540-13361-2 1984 1101 Vincent Cossart Resolution of Surface Singularities Three Lectures with an Appendix by H. Hironaka 978-3-540-13904-1 1984 1102 Andrei Verona Stratified Mappings — Structure and Triangulability 978-3-540-13898-3 1984 1103 Gert H. Müller Models and Sets Proceedings of the Logic Colloquium held in Aachen, July 18–23, 1983 Part I 978-3-540-13900-3 1984 1104 Egon Börger Computation and Proof Theory Proceedings of the Logic Colloquium held in Aachen, July 18–23, 1983 Part II 978-3-540-13901-0 1984 1105 Peter Russell Graves-Morris Rational Approximation and Interpolation Proceedings of the United Kingdom - United States Conference held at Tampa, Florida, December 12–16, 1983 978-3-540-13899-0 1984 1106 Chi-Tat Chong Techniques of Admissible Recursion Theory 978-3-540-13902-7 1984 1107 Calogero Vinti Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Proceedings of the International Conference held in Bologna, Italy, May 3–7, 1982 978-3-540-13903-4 1984 1108 Yurii G. Borisovich Global Analysis — Studies and Applications I 978-3-540-13910-2 1984 1109 Sergio Albeverio Stochastic Aspects of Classical and Quantum Systems Proceedings of the 2nd French-German Encounter in Mathematics and Physics, held in Marseille, France, March 28 – April 1, 1983 978-3-540-13914-0 1985 1110 Ryszard Jajte Strong Limit Theorems in Non-Commutative Probability 978-3-540-13915-7 1985 1111 Friedrich Hirzebruch Arbeitstagung Bonn 1984 Proceedings of the meeting held by the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn June 15–22, 1984 978-3-540-15195-1 1985 1112 Zvi Arad Products of Conjugacy Classes in Groups 978-3-540-13916-4 1985 1113 Piotr Antosik Matrix Methods in Analysis 978-3-540-15185-2 1985 1114 Edmund Hlawka Zahlentheoretische Analysis Wiener Seminarberichte 1980–82 978-3-540-15189-0 1985 1115 Jean Moulin Ollagnier Ergodic Theory and Statistical Mechanics 978-3-540-15192-0 1985 1116 Stephan Stolz Hochzusammenhängende Mannigfaltigkeiten und ihre Ränder 978-3-540-15209-5 1985 1117 David J. Aldous École d’Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XIII — 1983 978-3-540-15203-3 1985 1118 Th. Jeulin Grossissements de filtrations: exemples et applications Séminaire de Calcul Stochastique 1982/83 Université Paris VI 978-3-540-15210-1 1985 1119 Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta Recent Mathematical Methods in Dynamic Programming Proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, Italy, March 26–28, 1984 978-3-540-15217-0 1985 1120 Krzysztof Jarosz Perturbations of Banach Algebras 978-3-540-15218-7 1985 1121 Pierre Grisvard Singularities and Constructive Methods for Their Treatment Proceedings of the Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, November 20–26, 1983 978-3-540-15219-4 1985 1122 Krishnaswami Alladi Number Theory Proceedings of the 4th Matscience Conference held at Ootacamund, India, January 5–10, 1984 978-3-540-15222-4 1985 1123 Jacques Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XIX 1983/84 Proceedings 978-3-540-15230-9 1985 1124 Eduard Casas-Alvero Algebraic Geometry Sitges (Barcelona) 1983 Proceedings of a Conference held in Sitges (Barcelona), Spain October 5–12, 1983 978-3-540-15232-3 1985 1125 Boele L.J. Braaksma Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations Proceedings of a Workshop held in Groningen The Netherlands, April 16–20, 1984 978-3-540-15233-0 1985 1126 Andrew Ranicki Algebraic and Geometric Topology Proceedings of a Conference held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA July 6–13, 1983 978-3-540-15235-4 1985 1127 Franco Brezzi Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics Lectures given at the 3rd 1983 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Como, Italy, July 7–15, 1983 978-3-540-15225-5 1985 1128 Johannes Elschner Singular Ordinary Differential Operators and Pseudodifferential Equations 978-3-540-15194-4 1985 1129 Peter R. Turner Numerical Analysis Lancaster 1984 Proceedings of the SERC Summer School held in Lancaster, England, Jul. 15 – Aug. 3, 1984 978-3-540-15234-7 1985 1130 Carlos Augusto Di Prisco Methods in Mathematical Logic Proceedings of the 6th Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic held in Caracas, Venezuela August 1–6, 1983 978-3-540-15236-1 1985 1131 Kondagunta Sundaresan Geometry and Nonlinear Analysis in Banach Spaces 978-3-540-15237-8 1985 1132 Huzihiro Araki Operator Algebras and their Connections with Topology and Ergodic Theory Proceedings of the OATE Conference held in Busteni, Romania, Aug. 29 – Sept. 9, 1983 978-3-540-15643-7 1985 1133 Krzysztof C. Kiwiel Methods of Descent for Nondifferentiable Optimization 978-3-540-15642-0 1985 1134 Giovanni P. Galdi Weighted Energy Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Elasticity 978-3-540-15645-1 1985 1135 David V. Chudnovsky Number Theory A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1983–84 978-3-540-15649-9 1985 1136 Luigi Accardi Quantum Probability and Applications II Proceedings of a Workshop held in Heidelberg, West Germany, October 1–5, 1984 978-3-540-15661-1 1985 1137 Xiao Gang Surfaces fibrées en courbes de genre deux 978-3-540-15662-8 1985 1138 Adrian Ocneanu Actions of discrete amenable groups on von neumann algebras 978-3-540-15663-5 1985 1139 Heinz-Dietrich Doebner Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics Proceedings of an International Conference Held at the Technical University of Clausthal, FRG, August 30–September 2, 1983 978-3-540-15666-6 1985 1140 Stephen Donkin Rational Representations of Algebraic Groups Tensor Products and Filtrations 978-3-540-15668-0 1985 1141 Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus Recursion Theory Week Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany April 15–21, 1984 978-3-540-15673-4 1985 1142 Irving Reiner Orders and their Applications Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany June 3–9, 1984 978-3-540-15674-1 1985 1143 Aloys Krieg Modular Forms on Half-Spaces of Quaternions 978-3-540-15679-6 1985 1144 Dale Rolfsen Knot Theory and Manifolds Proceedings of a Conference held in Vancouver, Canada, June 2–4, 1983 978-3-540-15680-2 1985 1145 Gerhard Winkler Choquet Order and Simplices with Applications in Probabilistic Models 978-3-540-15683-3 1985 1146 Marie-Paule Malliavin Séminaire d’Algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin Proceedings, Paris 1983–1984 (36ème Année) 978-3-540-15686-4 1985 1147 Mario Wschebor Surfaces Aléatoires Mesure Géométrique des Ensembles de Niveau 978-3-540-15688-8 1985 1148 Mark A. Kon Probability Distributions in Quantum Statistical Mechanics 978-3-540-15690-1 1985 1149 Stephen D. Comer Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory Proceedings of a Conference held at Charleston, July 11–14, 1984 978-3-540-15691-8 1985 1150 Bernhard Kawohl Rearrangements and Convexity of Level Sets in PDE 978-3-540-15693-2 1985 1151 Brian D. Sleeman Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of the Eighth Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, June 25–29, 1984 978-3-540-15694-9 1985 1152 Harold Widom Asymptotic Expansions for Pseudodifferential Operators on Bounded Domains 978-3-540-15701-4 1985 1153 Anatole Beck Probability in Banach Spaces V Proceedings of the International Conference held in Medford, USA, July 16–27, 1984 978-3-540-15704-5 1985 1154 Desineni S. Naidu Singular Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Control Systems 978-3-540-15981-0 1985 1155 Vladimir V. Kalashnikov Stability Problems for Stochastic Models Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar held in Uzhgorod, USSR, Sept. 23–29, 1984 978-3-540-15985-8 1985 1156 Dirk Ferus Global Differential Geometry and Global Analysis 1984 Proceedings of a Conference held in Berlin, June 10–14, 1984 978-3-540-15994-0 1985 1157 Harold Levine Classifying Immersions into R4 over Stable Maps of 3-Manifolds into R2 978-3-540-15995-7 1985 1158 Sergio A. Albeverio Stochastic Processes — Mathematics and Physics Proceedings of the 1st BiBoS-Symposium held in Bielefeld, West Germany, September 10–15, 1984 978-3-540-15998-8 1986 1159 Sandro Graffi Schrödinger Operators Lectures given at the 2nd 1984 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Como, Italy, Aug. 26–Sept. 4, 1984 978-3-540-16035-9 1985 1160 Jan-Cees van der Meer The Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation 978-3-540-16037-3 1985 1161 Enrico Giusti Harmonic Mappings and Minimal Immersions Lectures given at the 1st 1984 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini, Italy, June 24–July 3, 1984 978-3-540-16040-3 1985 1162 S. J. L. van Eijndhoven Trajectory Spaces, Generalized Functions and Unbounded Operators 978-3-540-16065-6 1985 1163 Roman Liedl Iteration Theory and its Functional Equations Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Schloss Hofen (Lochau), Austria Sept. 28–Oct. 1, 1984 978-3-540-16067-0 1985 1164 Mauro Meschiari Geometry Seminar “Luigi Bianchi” II - 1984 Lectures given at the Scuola Normale Superiore 978-3-540-16048-9 1985 1165 Julian Lawrynowicz Seminar on Deformations Proceedings, Lódz-Warsaw 1982/84 978-3-540-16050-2 1985 1166 Nigel J. Kalton Banach Spaces Proceedings of the Missouri Conference held in Columbia, USA, June 24–29, 1984 978-3-540-16051-9 1985 1167 James C. Alexander Geometry and Topology Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park 1983–1984 978-3-540-16053-3 1985 1168 S. S. Agaian Hadamard Matrices and Their Applications 978-3-540-16056-4 1985 1169 William Allan Light Approximation Theory in Tensor Product Spaces 978-3-540-16057-1 1985 1170 Brian S. Thomson Real Functions 978-3-540-16058-8 1985 1171 Claude Brezinski Polynômes Orthogonaux et Applications Proceedings of the Laguerre Symposium held at Bar-le-Duc, October 15–18, 1984 978-3-540-16059-5 1985 1172 Larry Smith Algebraic Topology Göttingen 1984 Proceedings of a Conference held in Göttingen, Nov. 9–15, 1984 978-3-540-16061-8 1985 1173 Hans Delfs Locally Semialgebraic Spaces 978-3-540-16060-1 1985 1174 F. William Lawvere Categories in Continuum Physics Lectures given at a Workshop held at SUNY, Buffalo 1982 978-3-540-16096-0 1986 1175 Karl Mathiak Valuations of Skew Fields and Projective Hjelmslev Spaces 978-3-540-16099-1 1986 1176 Robert R. Bruner H8 Ring Spectra and their Applications 978-3-540-16434-0 1986 1177 Vlastimil Dlab Representation Theory I Finite Dimensional Algebras Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Representations of Algebras held in Ottawa, Canada, August 16–25, 1984 978-3-540-16432-6 1986 1178 Vlastimil Dlab Representation Theory II Groups and Orders Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Representations of Algebras held in Ottawa, Canada, August 16–25, 1984 978-3-540-16433-3 1986 1179 Jian-Yi Shi The Kazhdan-Lusztig Cells in Certain Affine Weyl Groups 978-3-540-16439-5 1986 1180 René Carmona École d’Été de Probabilités de Saint Flour XIV - 1984 978-3-540-16441-8 1986 1181 Luigi A. Rosati Buildings and the Geometry of Diagrams Lectures given at the 3rd 1984 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Como, Italy, August 26–September 4, 1984 978-3-540-16466-1 1986 1182 Saharon Shelah Around Classification Theory of Models 978-3-540-16448-7 1986 1183 Jan-Erik Roos Algebra, Algebraic Topology and their Interactions Proceedings of a Conference held in Stockholm, Aug. 3–13, 1983, and later developments 978-3-540-16453-1 1986 1184 Wolfgang Arendt One-parameter Semigroups of Positive Operators 978-3-540-16454-8 1986 1185 Hsio-Fu Tuan Group Theory, Beijing 1984 Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Beijing, Aug. 27–Sep. 8, 1984 978-3-540-16456-2 1986 1186 Ludwig Arnold Lyapunov Exponents Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bremen, November 12–15, 1984 978-3-540-16458-6 1986 1187 Yves Diers Categories of Boolean Sheaves of Simple Algebras 978-3-540-16459-3 1986 1188 François Norguet Fonctions de Plusieurs Variables Complexes V Séminaire François Norguet Octobre 1979 – Juin 1985 978-3-540-16460-9 1986 1189 Jaroslav Lukeš Fine Topology Methods in Real Analysis and Potential Theory 978-3-540-16474-6 1986 1190 Roberto Conti Optimization and Related Fields Proceedings of the “G. Stampacchia International School of Mathematics” held at Erice, Sicily September 17–30, 1984 978-3-540-16476-0 1986 1191 Alexander R. Its The Isomonodromic Deformation Method in the Theory of Painlevé Equations 978-3-540-16483-8 1986 1192 Jaromír Vosmanský Equadiff 6 Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and their Applications held in Brno, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 26–30, 1985 978-3-540-16469-2 1986 1193 Xavier Fernique Geometrical and Statistical Aspects of Probability in Banach Spaces Actes des Journées SMF de Calcul des Probabilités dans les Espaces de Banach, organisées à Strasbourg les 19 et 20 juin 1985 978-3-540-16487-6 1986 1194 Hans Grauert Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry Proceedings of a Conference held in Göttingen, June 25–July 2, 1985 978-3-540-16490-6 1986 1195 J. Lucas M. Barbosa Minimal Surfaces in R3 978-3-540-16491-3 1986 1196 Eduardo Casas-Alvero The Enumerative Theory of Conics after Halphen 978-3-540-16495-1 1986 1197 Freddy M.J. van Oystaeyen Ring Theory Proceedings of an International Conference held in Antwerp, April 1–5, 1985 978-3-540-16496-8 1986 1198 Pierre Lelong Séminaire d’Analyse Années 1983/1984 978-3-540-16762-4 1986 1199 Wolfgang J. Thron Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions II Proceedings of a Seminar-Workshop held in Pitlochry and Aviemore, Scotland June 13–29, 1985 978-3-540-16768-6 1986 1200 Vitali D. Milman Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces 978-3-540-16769-3 1986 1201 Katsuhiro Shiohama Curvature and Topology of Riemannian Manifolds Proceedings of the 17th International Taniguchi Symposium held in Katata, Japan, Aug. 26–31, 1985 978-3-540-16770-9 1986 1202 Arne Dür Möbius Functions, Incidence Algebras and Power Series Representations 978-3-540-16771-6 1986 1203 Kiyosi Itô Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Proceedings of the International Conference held in Nagoya, July 2–6, 1985 978-3-540-16773-0 1986 1204 Jacques Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XX 1984/85 Proceedings 978-3-540-16779-2 1986 1205 B. Z. Moroz Analytic Arithmetic in Algebraic Number Fields 978-3-540-16784-6 1986 1206 Giorgio Letta Probability and Analysis Lectures given at the 1st 1985 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Varenna (Como), Italy May 31 – June 8, 1985 978-3-540-16787-7 1986 1207 Pierre H. Bérard Spectral Geometry: Direct and Inverse Problems With an Appendix by G. Besson 978-3-540-16788-4 1986 1208 Sten Kaijser Interpolation Functors and Duality 978-3-540-16790-7 1986 1209 Antonio M. Naveira Differential Geometry Peñíscola 1985 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium held at Peñíscola, Spain, June 2–9, 1985 978-3-540-16801-0 1986 1210 Herbert Heyer Probability Measures on Groups VIII Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, November 10–16, 1985 978-3-540-16806-5 1986 1211 M. B. Sevryuk Reversible Systems 978-3-540-16819-5 1986 1212 Petre Tautu Stochastic Spatial Processes Mathematical Theories and Biological Applications Proceedings of a Conference held in Heidelberg, September 10–14, 1984 978-3-540-16803-4 1986 1213 L. Gaunce Lewis Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory 978-3-540-16820-1 1986 1214 Yurii G. Borisovich Global Analysis — Studies and Applications II 978-3-540-16821-8 1986 1215 Catherine Huber Lectures in Probability and Statistics Lectures given at the Winter School in Probability and Statistics held in Santiago de Chile 978-3-540-16822-5 1986 1216 Jacob Kogan Bifurcation of Extremals in Optimal Control 978-3-540-16818-8 1986 1217 Stefan Jackowski Transformation Groups Poznan 1985 Proceedings of a Symposium held in Poznan, July 5–9, 1985 978-3-540-16824-9 1986 1218 Erik Balslev Schrödinger Operators, Aarhus 1985 Lectures given in Aarhus, October 2–4, 1985 978-3-540-16826-3 1986 1219 Rainer Weissauer Stabile Modulformen und Eisensteinreihen 978-3-540-17181-2 1986 1220 Marie-Paule Malliavin Séminaire d’Algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin Proceedings, Paris 1985 (37ème Année) 978-3-540-17185-0 1986 1221 Jesús Bastero Probability and Banach Spaces Proceedings of a Conference held in Zaragoza, Spain June 17–21, 1985 978-3-540-17186-7 1986 1222 Anatole Katok Invariant Manifolds, Entropy and Billiards; Smooth Maps with Singularities 978-3-540-17190-4 1986 1223 Angelo Favini Differential Equations in Banach Spaces Proceedings of a Conference held in Bologna, July 2–5, 1985 978-3-540-17191-1 1986 1224 Antonio Fasano Nonlinear Diffusion Problems Lectures given at the 2nd 1985 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matermatico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy June 10 – June 18, 1985 978-3-540-17192-8 1986 1225 Giorgio Talenti Inverse Problems Lectures given at the 1st 1986 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, May 28 – June 5, 1986 978-3-540-17193-5 1986 1226 Alexandru Buium Differential Function Fields and Moduli of Algebraic Varieties 978-3-540-17194-2 1986 1227 Henry Helson The Spectral Theorem 978-3-540-17197-3 1986 1228 Wolfgang Hackbusch Multigrid Methods II Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Multigrid Methods held at Cologne, October 1–4, 1985 978-3-540-17198-0 1986 1229 Ola Bratteli Derivations, Dissipations and Group Actions on C-algebras 978-3-540-17199-7 1986 1230 Jean-Pierre Hennart Numerical Analysis Proceedings of the Fourth IIMAS Workshop held at Guanajuato, Mexico, July 23–27, 1984 978-3-540-17200-0 1986 1231 Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler Drinfeld Modular Curves 978-3-540-17201-7 1986 1232 Peter Cornelis Schuur Asymptotic Analysis of Soliton Problems An Inverse Scattering Approach 978-3-540-17203-1 1986 1233 Vladimir V. Kalashnikov Stability Problems for Stochastic Models Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar held in Varna, Bulgaria, May 13–19, 1985 978-3-540-17204-8 1987 1234 Gilbert Labelle Combinatoire énumérative Proceedings of the “Colloque de combinatoire énumérative”, held at Université du Québec à Montréal, May 28 – June 1, 1985 978-3-540-17207-9 1986 1235 Francis Hirsch Séminaire de Théorie du Potentiel Paris, No. 8 978-3-540-17210-9 1987 1236 Giuseppe Da Prato Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications Proceedings of a Conference held in Trento, Italy, Sept. 30–Oct. 5, 1985 978-3-540-17211-6 1987 1237 Jacek Gilewicz Rational Approximation and its Applications in Mathematics and Physics Proceedings, Lancut 1985 978-3-540-17212-3 1987 1238 Michael Holz Injective Choice Functions 978-3-540-17221-5 1987 1239 Paul Vojta Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory 978-3-540-17551-3 1987 1240 David V. Chudnovsky Number Theory A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1984–85 978-3-540-17669-5 1987 1241 Lars Gårding Singularities in Linear Wave Propagation 978-3-540-18001-2 1987 1242 Davor Butkovic Functional Analysis II 978-3-540-17833-0 1987 1243 Jacques Carmona Non-Commutative Harmonic Analysis and Lie Groups Proceedings of the International Conference held in Marseille-Luminy, June 24–29, 1985 978-3-540-17701-2 1987 1244 Werner Müller Manifolds with Cusps of Rank One Spectral Theory and L2-Index Theorem 978-3-540-17696-1 1987 1245 Stephen Rallis L-Functions and the Oscillator Representation 978-3-540-17694-7 1987 1246 Eduardo Cattani Hodge Theory Proceedings of the U.S.-Spain Workshop held in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Spain June 24–30, 1985 978-3-540-17743-2 1987 1247 Jacques Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XXI 978-3-540-17768-5 1987 1248 Tepper L. Gill Nonlinear Semigroups, Partial Differential Equations and Attractors Proceedings of a Symposium held in Washington, D.C., August 5–8, 1985 978-3-540-17741-8 1987 1249 Imme van den Berg Nonstandard Asymptotic Analysis 978-3-540-17767-8 1987 1250 Sergio Albeverio Stochastic Processes — Mathematics and Physics II Proceedings of the 2nd BiBoS Symposium held in Bielefeld, West Germany, April 15–19, 1985 978-3-540-17797-5 1987 1251 Pedro Luis García Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics Proceedings of the 14th International Conference held in Salamanca, Spain, June 24–29, 1985 978-3-540-17816-3 1987 1252 Tetsuo Kaise Représentations de Weil et GL2 Algèbres de division et GLn (Vers les corps de classes galoisiens I, II) 978-3-540-17827-9 1987 1253 Jürgen Fischer An Approach to the Selberg Trace Formula via the Selberg Zeta-Function 978-3-540-15208-8 1987 1254 Stephen Gelbart Explicit Constructions of Automorphic L-Functions 978-3-540-17848-4 1987 1255 Chaohao Gu Differential Geometry and Differential Equations Proceedings of a Symposium, held in Shanghai, June 21 – July 6, 1985 978-3-540-17849-1 1987 1256 Heinz O. Cordes Pseudo-Differential Operators Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, February 2–8, 1986 978-3-540-17856-9 1987 1257 Xiaolu Wang On the C-Algebras of Foliations in the Plane 978-3-540-17903-0 1987 1258 Joachim Weidmann Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators 978-3-540-17902-3 1987 1259 Felipe Cano Torres Desingularization Strategies for Three-Dimensional Vector Fields 978-3-540-17944-3 1987 1260 Nicolae H. Pavel Nonlinear Evolution Operators and Semigroups Applications to Partial Differential Equations 978-3-540-17974-0 1987 1261 Herbert Abels Finite Presentability of S-Arithmetic Groups Compact Presentability of Solvable Groups 978-3-540-17975-7 1987 1262 Edmund Hlawka Zahlentheoretische Analysis II Wiener Seminarberichte 1984–86 978-3-540-18015-9 1987 1263 Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen Differential Geometry Proceedings of the Nordic Summer School held in Lyngby, Denmark Jul. 29–Aug. 9, 1985 978-3-540-18012-8 1987 1264 Wu Wen-tsün Rational Homotopy Type A Constructive Study via the Theory of the I-measure 978-3-540-13611-8 1987 1265 Walter Van Assche Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials 978-3-540-18023-4 1987 1266 Franco Ghione Space Curves Proceedings of a Conference, held in Rocca di Papa, Italy, June 3–8, 1985 978-3-540-18020-3 1987 1267 Joram Lindenstrauss Geometrical Aspects of Functional Analysis Israel Seminar, 1985–86 978-3-540-18103-3 1987 1268 Steven G. Krantz Complex Analysis Seminar, University Park PA, March 10–14, 1986 978-3-540-18094-4 1987 1269 Masahiro Shiota Nash Manifolds 978-3-540-18102-6 1987 1270 Claude Carasso Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems Proceedings of an Advanced Research Workshop held in St. Etienne, France January 13–17, 1986 978-3-540-18200-9 1987 1271 Arjeh M. Cohen Algebraic Groups Utrecht 1986 Proceedings of a Symposium in Honour of T.A. Springer 978-3-540-18234-4 1987 1272 Moshe S. Livšic Commuting Nonselfadjoint Operators in Hilbert Space Two Independent Studies 978-3-540-18316-7 1987 1273 Gert-Martin Greuel Singularities, Representation of Algebras, and Vector Bundles Proceedings of a Symposium held in Lambrecht/Pfalz, Fed. Rep. of Germany, Dec. 13–17, 1985 978-3-540-18263-4 1987 1274 N. Christopher Phillips Equivariant K-Theory and Freeness of Group Actions on C-Algebras 978-3-540-18277-1 1987 1275 Carlos A. Berenstein Complex Analysis I Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1985–86 978-3-540-18356-3 1987 1276 Carlos A. Berenstein Complex Analysis II Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1985–86 978-3-540-18357-0 1987 1277 Carlos A. Berenstein Complex Analysis III Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1985–86 978-3-540-18355-6 1987 1278 Sebastian S. Koh Invariant Theory 978-3-540-18360-0 1987 1279 Dorin Iesan Saint-Venant’s Problem 978-3-540-18361-7 1987 1280 Erhard Neher Jordan Triple Systems by the Grid Approach 978-3-540-18362-4 1987 1281 Otto H. Kegel Group Theory Proceedings of a Conference held at Brixen/Bressanone, Italy, May 25–31, 1986 978-3-540-18399-0 1987 1282 David E. Handelman Positive Polynomials, Convex Integral Polytopes, and a Random Walk Problem 978-3-540-18400-3 1987 1283 Sibe Mardešic Geometric Topology and Shape Theory Proceedings of a Conference held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, Sept. 29 – Oct. 10, 1986 978-3-540-18443-0 1987 1284 Bernd Heinrich Matzat Konstruktive Galoistheorie 978-3-540-18444-7 1987 1285 Ian W. Knowles Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Proceedings of an International Conference held in Birmingham, Alabama, USA March 3–8, 1986 978-3-540-18479-9 1987 1286 Haynes R. Miller Algebraic Topology Proceedings of a Workshop held at the University of Washington, Seattle, 1985 978-3-540-18481-2 1987 1287 Edward B. Saff Approximation Theory, Tampa Proceedings of a Seminar held in Tampa, Florida, 1985–1986 978-3-540-18500-0 1987 1288 Yuri L. Rodin Generalized Analytic Functions on Riemann Surfaces 978-3-540-18572-7 1987 1289 Yuri I. Manin K-Theory, Arithmetic and Geometry Seminar, Moscow University, 1984–1986 978-3-540-18571-0 1987 1290 Gisbert Wüstholz Diophantine Approximation and Transcendence Theory Seminar, Bonn (FRG) May – June 1985 978-3-540-18597-0 1987 1291 Colette Mœglin Correspondances de Howe sur un corps p-adique 978-3-540-18699-1 1987 1292 John T. Baldwin Classification Theory Proceedings of the U.S.-Israel Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic held in Chicago, Dec. 15–19, 1985 978-3-540-18674-8 1987 1293 Wolfgang Ebeling The Monodromy Groups of Isolated Singularities of Complete Intersections 978-3-540-18686-1 1987 1294 Martine Queffélec Substitution Dynamical Systems-Spectral Analysis 978-3-540-18692-2 1987 1295 Pierre Lelong Séminaire d’Analyse P. Lelong — P. Dolbeault — H. Skoda Années 1985/1986 978-3-540-18691-5 1987 1296 Marie-Paule Malliavin Séminaire d’Algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin Proceedings, Paris 1986 978-3-540-18690-8 1987 1297 You-Ian Zhu Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of a Conference held in Shanghai, P.R. China, March 25–29, 1987 978-3-540-18730-1 1987 1298 J. Aguadé Algebraic Topology Barcelona 1986 Proceedings of a Symposium held in Barcelona, April 2–8, 1986 978-3-540-18729-5 1987 1299 Shinzo Watanabe Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Proceedings of the Fifth Japan-USSR Symposium, held in Kyoto, Japan, July 8–14, 1986 978-3-540-18814-8 1988 1300 George B. Seligman Constructions of Lie Algebras and their Modules 978-3-540-18973-2 1988 1301 Norbert Schappacher Periods of Hecke Characters 978-3-540-18915-2 1988 1302 Michael Cwikel Function Spaces and Applications Proceedings of the US-Swedish Seminar held in Lund, Sweden, June 15–21, 1986 978-3-540-18905-3 1988 1303 Luigi Accardi Quantum Probability and Applications III Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, FRG, January 25–31, 1987 978-3-540-18919-0 1988 1304 Fernando Quadros Gouvêa Arithmetic of p-adic Modular Forms 978-3-540-18946-6 1988 1305 Doron S. Lubinsky Strong Asymptotics for Extremal Polynomials Associated with Weights on R 978-3-540-18958-9 1988 1306 Shiing-shen Chern Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of a Symposium held in Tianjin, June 23 – July 5, 1986 978-3-540-19097-4 1988 1307 Takafumi Murai A Real Variable Method for the Cauchy Transform, and Analytic Capacity 978-3-540-19091-2 1988 1308 Peter Imkeller Two-Parameter Martingales and Their Quadratic Variation 978-3-540-19233-6 1988 1309 Bernold Fiedler Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions with Symmetry 978-3-540-19234-3 1988 1310 Olav Arnfinn Laudal Local Moduli and Singularities 978-3-540-19235-0 1988 1311 Audun Holme Algebraic Geometry Sundance 1986 Proceedings of a Conference held at Sundance, Utah, August 12–19, 1986 978-3-540-19236-7 1988 1312 Nikolai A. Shirokov Analytic Functions Smooth up to the Boundary 978-3-540-19255-8 1988 1313 Fritz Colonius Optimal Periodic Control 978-3-540-19249-7 1988 1314 Akito Futaki Kähler-Einstein Metrics and Integral Invariants 978-3-540-19250-3 1988 1315 Robert A. McCoy Topological Properties of Spaces of Continuous Functions 978-3-540-19302-9 1988 1316 Hayri Korezlioglu Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics Proceedings of a Workshop held in Silivri, Turkey, July 7–9, 1986 978-3-540-19315-9 1988 1317 Joram Lindenstrauss Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis Israel Seminar (GAFA) 1986–87 978-3-540-19353-1 1988 1318 Yves Felix Algebraic Topology Rational Homotopy Proceedings of a Conference held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 2–6, 1986 978-3-540-19340-1 1988 1319 Matti Vuorinen Conformal Geometry and Quasiregular Mappings 978-3-540-19342-5 1988 1320 Helmut Jürgensen Semigroups Theory and Applications Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, FRG, Feb. 23–Mar. 1, 1986 978-3-540-19347-0 1988 1321 Jacques Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XXII 978-3-540-19351-7 1988 1322 Michel Métivier Stochastic Analysis Proceedings of the Japanese-French Seminar held in Paris, France, June 16–19, 1987 978-3-540-19352-4 1988 1323 Douglas R. Anderson Boundedly Controlled Topology Foundations of Algebraic Topology and Simple Homotopy Theory 978-3-540-19397-5 1988 1324 Fernando Cardoso Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of ELAM VIII, held in Rio de Janeiro, July 14–25, 1986 978-3-540-50111-4 1988 1325 Aubrey Truman Stochastic Mechanics and Stochastic Processes Proceedings of a Conference held in Swansea, U.K., Aug. 4–8, 1986 978-3-540-50015-5 1988 1326 Peter S. Landweber Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms in Algebraic Topology Proceedings of a Conference held at the Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, Sept. 15–17, 1986 978-3-540-19490-3 1988 1327 Winfried Bruns Determinantal Rings 978-3-540-19468-2 1988 1328 Jose Luis Bueso Ring Theory Proceedings of a Conference held in Granada, Spain, Sept. 1–6, 1986 978-3-540-19474-3 1988 1329 Manuel Alfaro Orthogonal Polynomials and their Applications Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Segovia, Spain, Sept. 22–27, 1986 978-3-540-19489-7 1988 1330 Antonio Ambrosetti Mathematical Economics Lectures given at the 2nd 1986 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy June 25 – July 3, 1986 978-3-540-50003-2 1988 1331 Rodrigo Bamón Dynamical Systems Valparaiso 1986 Proceedings of a Symposium held in Valparaiso, Chile, Nov. 24–29, 1986 978-3-540-50016-2 1988 1332 Edward W. Odell Functional Analysis Proceedings of the Seminar at the University of Texas at Austin, 1986–87 978-3-540-50018-6 1988 1333 Alexander S. Kechris Cabal Seminar 81–85 Proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1981–85 978-3-540-50020-9 1988 1334 Yurii G. Borisovich Global Analysis — Studies and Applications III 978-3-540-50019-3 1988 1335 F. Guillén Hyperrésolutions cubiques et descente cohomologique 978-3-540-50023-0 1988 1336 Bernard Helffer Semi-Classical Analysis for the Schrödinger Operator and Applications 978-3-540-50076-6 1988 1337 Edoardo Sernesi Theory of Moduli Lectures given at the 3rd 1985 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 21–29, 1985 978-3-540-50080-3 1988 1338 Angelo B. Mingarelli Non-Oscillation Domains of Differential Equations with Two Parameters 978-3-540-50078-0 1988 1339 Toshikazu Sunada Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds Proceedings of the 21st International Taniguchi Symposium held at Katata, Japan, Aug. 23–29 and the Conference held at Kyoto, Aug. 31–Sept. 2, 1987 978-3-540-50113-8 1988 1340 Stefan Hildebrandt Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of a Conference held in Trento, Italy June 16–21, 1986 978-3-540-50119-0 1988 1341 Monique Dauge Elliptic Boundary Value Problems on Corner Domains Smoothness and Asymptotics of Solutions 978-3-540-50169-5 1988 1342 James C. Alexander Dynamical Systems Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1986–87 978-3-540-50174-9 1988 1343 Hanno Ulrich Fixed Point Theory of Parametrized Equivariant Maps 978-3-540-50187-9 1988 1344 Josef Král Potential Theory Surveys and Problems Proceedings of a Conference held in Prague, July 19–24, 1987 978-3-540-50210-4 1988 1345 Xavier Gomez-Mont Holomorphic Dynamics Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium on Dynamical Systems, held in Mexico, July 1986 978-3-540-50226-5 1988 1346 Oleg Yanovich Viro Topology and Geometry — Rohlin Seminar 978-3-540-50237-1 1988 1347 Chris Preston Iterates of Piecewise Monotone Mappings on an Interval 978-3-540-50329-3 1988 1348 Francis Borceux Categorical Algebra and its Applications Proceedings of a Conference, held in Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, July 26 – August 1, 1987 978-3-540-50362-0 1988 1349 Erich Novak Deterministic and Stochastic Error Bounds in Numerical Analysis 978-3-540-50368-2 1988 1350 Ulrich Koschorke Differential Topology Proceedings of the Second Topology Symposium, held in Siegen, FRG, Jul. 27–Aug. 1, 1987 978-3-540-50369-9 1988 1351 Ilpo Laine Complex Analysis Joensuu 1987 Proceedings of the XIIIth Rolf Nevanlinna-Colloquium, held in Joensuu, Finland, Aug. 10–13, 1987 978-3-540-50370-5 1988 1352 Luchezar L. Avramov Algebra Some Current Trends Proceedings of the 5th National School in Algebra held in Varna, Bulgaria, Sept. 24 – Oct. 4, 1986 978-3-540-50371-2 1988 1353 Richard S. Palais Critical Point Theory and Submanifold Geometry 978-3-540-50399-6 1988 1354 Juan Alfredo Gómez-Fernandez Approximation and Optimization Proceedings of the International Seminar held in Havana, Cuba, Jan. 12–16, 1987 978-3-540-50443-6 1988 1355 Jürgen Bokowski Computational Synthetic Geometry 978-3-540-50478-8 1989 1356 Hans Volkmer Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems and Expansion Theorems 978-3-540-50479-5 1988 1357 Stefan Hildebrandt Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations 978-3-540-50508-2 1988 1358 David Mumford The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes Second, Expanded Edition. Includes Michigan Lectures (1974) on Curves and their Jacobians 978-3-540-63293-1 1999 1359 Pierre Eymard Harmonic Analysis Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg Sept. 7–11, 1987 978-3-540-50524-2 1988 1360 Christopher Anderson Vortex Methods Proceedings of the U.C.L.A. Workshop held in Los Angeles, May 20–22, 1987 978-3-540-50526-6 1988 1361 Tammo tom Dieck Algebraic Topology and Transformation Groups Proceedings of a Conference held in Göttingen, FRG, August 23–29, 1987 978-3-540-50528-0 1988 1362 Persi Diaconis École d’Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XV–XVII, 1985–87 978-3-540-50549-5 1988 1363 Peter G. Casazza Tsirelson’s Space With an Appendix by J. Baker, O. Slotterbeck and R. Aron 978-3-540-50678-2 1989 1364 Robert R. Phelps Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 978-3-540-56715-8 1993 1364 Robert R. Phelps Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 978-3-540-50735-2 1989 1365 Mariano Giaquinta Topics in Calculus of Variations Lectures given at the 2nd 1987 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, July 20–28, 1987 978-3-540-50727-7 1989 1366 Norman Levitt Grassmannians and Gauss Maps in Piecewise-linear Topology 978-3-540-50756-7 1989 1367 Manfred Knebusch Weakly Semialgebraic Spaces 978-3-540-50815-1 1989 1368 Reinhold Hübl Traces of Differential Forms and Hochschild Homology 978-3-540-50985-1 1989 1369 Boju Jiang Differential Geometry and Topology Proceedings of the Special Year at Nankai Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, PR China, 1986–87 978-3-540-51037-6 1989 1370 Gunnar Carlsson Algebraic Topology Proceedings of an International Conference held in Arcata, California, July 27 – August 2, 1986 978-3-540-51118-2 1989 1371 Sarah Glaz Commutative Coherent Rings 978-3-540-51115-1 1989 1372 Jacques Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XXIII 978-3-540-51191-5 1989 1373 Georgia Benkart Lie Algebras, Madison 1987 Proceedings of a Workshop held in Madison, Wisconsin, August 23–28, 1987 978-3-540-51147-2 1989 1374 Robion C. Kirby The Topology of 4-Manifolds 978-3-540-51148-9 1989 1375 Katsuo Kawakubo Transformation Groups Proceedings of a Conference held in Osaka, Japan, Dec. 16–21, 1987 978-3-540-51218-9 1989 1376 Joram Lindenstrauss Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis Israel Seminar (GAFA) 1987–88 978-3-540-51303-2 1989 1377 John F. Pierce Singularity Theory, Rod Theory, and Symmetry-Breaking Loads 978-3-540-51304-9 1989 1378 Robert S. Rumely Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves 978-3-540-51410-7 1989 1379 Herbert Heyer Probability Measures on Groups IX Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, FRG, January 17–23, 1988 978-3-540-51401-5 1989 1380 Hans Peter Schlickewei Number Theory Proceedings of the Journées Arithmétiques held in Ulm, FRG, September 14–18, 1987 978-3-540-51397-1 1989 1381 Jan-Olov Strömberg Weighted Hardy Spaces 978-3-540-51402-2 1989 1382 Hans Reiter Metaplectic Groups and Segal Algebras 978-3-540-51417-6 1989 1383 David V. Chudnovsky Number Theory A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1985–88 978-3-540-51549-4 1989 1384 José García-Cuerva Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of the International Conference held in El Escorial, Spain, June 9–13, 1987 978-3-540-51460-2 1989 1385 Angelo M. Anile Relativistic Fluid Dynamics Lectures given at the 1st 1987 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Noto, Italy, May 25–June 3, 1987 978-3-540-51466-4 1989 1386 Alfredo Bellen Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations Proceedings of the Workshop held in L’Aquila (Italy), Sept. 16–18, 1987 978-3-540-51478-7 1989 1387 Miodrag Petkovic Iterative Methods for Simultaneous Inclusion of Polynomial Zeros 978-3-540-51485-5 1989 1388 Juichi Shinoda Mathematical Logic and Applications Proceedings of the Logic Meeting held in Kyoto, 1987 978-3-540-51527-2 1989 1389 Edoardo Ballico Algebraic Curves and Projective Geometry Proceedings of the Conference held in Trento, Italy, March 21–25, 1988 978-3-540-51509-8 1989 1390 Giuseppe Da Prato Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications II Proceedings of a Conference held in Trento, Italy February 1–6, 1988 978-3-540-51510-4 1989 1391 Stamatis Cambanis Probability Theory on Vector Spaces IV Proceedings of a Conference, held in Lancut, Poland, June 10–17, 1987 978-3-540-51548-7 1989 1392 Robert Silhol Real Algebraic Surfaces 978-3-540-51563-0 1989 1393 Nicolas Bouleau Séminaire de Théorie du Potentiel Paris, No. 9 978-3-540-51592-0 1989 1394 Tepper L. Gill Nonlinear Semigroups, Partial Differential Equations and Attractors Proceedings of a Symposium held in Washington, D.C., August 3–7, 1987 978-3-540-51594-4 1989 1395 Krishnaswami Alladi Number Theory, Madras 1987 Proceedings of the International Ramanujan Centenary Conference held at Anna University, Madras, India, Dec. 21, 1987 978-3-540-51595-1 1989 1396 Luigi Accardi Quantum Probability and Applications IV Proceedings of the Year of Quantum Probability, held at the University of Rome II, Italy, 1987 978-3-540-51613-2 1989 1397 Peter R. Turner Numerical Analysis and Parallel Processing Lectures given at The Lancaster Numerical Analysis Summer School 1987 978-3-540-51645-3 1989 1398 Ann Chi Kim Groups — Korea 1988 Proceedings of a Conference on Group Theory, held in Pusan, Korea, August 15–21, 1988 978-3-540-51695-8 1989 1399 Wolf-P. Barth Arithmetic of Complex Manifolds Proceedings of a Conference held in Erlangen, FRG, May 27–31, 1988 978-3-540-51729-0 1989 1400 Uwe Jannsen Mixed Motives and Algebraic K-Theory 978-3-540-52260-7 1990 1401 Juris Steprans Set Theory and its Applications Proceedings of a Conference held at York University, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 10–21, 1987 978-3-540-51730-6 1989 1402 Claude Carasso Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems Proceedings of an Advanced Research Workshop held in Bordeaux, France, June 13–17, 1988 978-3-540-51746-7 1989 1403 Bruno Simeone Combinatorial Optimization Lectures given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Como, Italy, August 25–September 2, 1986 978-3-540-51797-9 1989 1404 Marie-Paule Malliavin Séminaire d’Algèbre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paul Malliavin Proceedings, Paris 1987–1988 (39ème Année) 978-3-540-51812-9 1989 1405 Szymon Dolecki Optimization Proceedings of the Fifth French-German Conference held in Castel-Novel (Varetz), France, Oct. 3–8, 1988 978-3-540-51970-6 1989 1406 Lisa Jacobsen Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions III Proceedings of a Seminar-Workshop, held in Redstone, USA, June 26–July 5, 1988 978-3-540-51830-3 1989 1407 Wolfram Pohlers Proof Theory An Introduction 978-3-540-51842-6 1989 1408 Wolfgang Lück Transformation Groups and Algebraic K-Theory 978-3-540-51846-4 1989 1409 Ernst Hairer The Numerical Solution of Differential-Algebraic Systems by Runge-Kutta Methods 978-3-540-51860-0 1989 1410 Francisco J. Carreras Differential Geometry Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, held at Peñiscola, Spain, June 5–12, 1988 978-3-540-51885-3 1989 1411 Boju Jiang Topological Fixed Point Theory and Applications Proceedings of a Conference held at the Nankai Institute of Mathematics Tianjin, PR China, April 5–8, 1988 978-3-540-51932-4 1989 1412 Vladimir V. Kalashnikov Stability Problems for Stochastic Models Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar held in Sukhumi (Abkhazian Autonomous Republic) USSR, Sept. 25–Oct. 1, 1987 978-3-540-51948-5 1989 1413 Steve Wright Uniqueness of the Injective III1 Factor 978-3-540-52130-3 1989 1414 Enrique Ramírez de Arellano Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis Proceedings of the Workshop held in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México, Aug. 10–14, 1987 978-3-540-52175-4 1989 1415 Michel Langevin Cinquante Ans de Polynômes Fifty Years of Polynomials Proceedings of a Conference held in honour of Alain Durand at the Institut Henri Poincaré Paris, France, May 26–27, 1988 978-3-540-52190-7 1990 1416 Claude Albert Géométrie Symplectique et Mécanique Colloque International La Grande Motte, France, 23–28 Mai, 1988 978-3-540-52191-4 1990 1417 Andrew John Sommese Algebraic Geometry Proceedings of the International Conference held in L’Aquila, Italy, May 30–June 4, 1988 978-3-540-52217-1 1990 1418 Mamoru Mimura Homotopy Theory and Related Topics Proceedings of the International Conference held at Kinosaki, Japan, August 19–24, 1988 978-3-540-52246-1 1990 1419 Peter S. Bullen New Integrals Proceedings of the Henstock Conference held in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, August 9–12, 1988 978-3-540-52322-2 1990 1420 Margherita Galbiati Real Analytic and Algebraic Geometry Proceedings of the Conference held in Trento, Italy, October 3–7, 1988 978-3-540-52313-0 1990 1421 Hebe deAzevedo Biagioni A Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions 978-3-540-52408-3 1990 1422 Vinicio Villani Complex Geometry and Analysis Proceedings of the International Symposium in honour of Edoardo Vesentini held in Pisa (Italy), May 23–27, 1988 978-3-540-52434-2 1990 1423 Stanley O. Kochman Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres A Computer-Assisted Approach 978-3-540-52468-7 1990 1424 Francis E. Burstall Twistor Theory for Riemannian Symmetric Spaces With Applications to Harmonic Maps of Riemann Surfaces 978-3-540-52602-5 1990 1425 Renzo A. Piccinini Groups of Self-Equivalences and Related Topics Proceedings of a Conference held in Montreal, Canada, Aug. 8–12, 1988 978-3-540-52658-2 1990 1426 Jacques Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XXIV 1988/89 978-3-540-52694-0 1990 1427 Alano Ancona École d’Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XVIII - 1988 978-3-540-53508-9 1990 1428 Karin Erdmann Blocks of Tame Representation Type and Related Algebras 978-3-540-52709-1 1990 1429 Steven Homer Logic and Computer Science Lectures given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 20–28, 1988 978-3-540-52734-3 1990 1430 Winfried Bruns Commutative Algebra Proceedings of a Workshop held in Salvador, Brazil, Aug. 8–17, 1988 978-3-540-52745-9 1990 1431 John G. Heywood The Navier-Stokes Equations Theory and Numerical Methods Proceedings of a Conference held at Oberwolfach, FRG, Sept. 18–24, 1988 978-3-540-52770-1 1990 1432 Klaus Ambos-Spies Recursion Theory Week Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, FRG, March 19–25, 1989 978-3-540-52772-5 1990 1433 Serge Lang Topics in Nevanlinna Theory 978-3-540-52785-5 1990 1434 Kenji Nagasaka Analytic Number Theory Proceedings of the Japanese-French Symposium held in Tokyo, Japan, October 10–13, 1988 978-3-540-52787-9 1990 1435 Stephan Ruscheweyh Computational Methods and Function Theory Proceedings of a Conference, held in Valparaíso, Chile, March 13–18, 1989 978-3-540-52768-8 1990 1436 Sebastian Xambó-Descamps Enumerative Geometry Proceedings of a Conference held in Sitges, Spain, June 1–6, 1987 978-3-540-52811-1 1990 1437 Hvedri Inassaridze K-theory and Homological Algebra A Seminar held at the Razmadze Mathematical Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR 1987–88 978-3-540-52836-4 1990 1438 Pierre Gilles Lemarié Les Ondelettes en 1989 Séminaire d’Analyse Harmonique, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay 978-3-540-52932-3 1990 1439 Emilio Bujalance Automorphism Groups of Compact Bordered Klein Surfaces A Combinatorial Approach 978-3-540-52941-5 1990 1440 Paul Latiolais Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory Proceedings of the Fall Foliage Topology Seminars held in New Hampshire 1986–1988 978-3-540-52990-3 1990 1441 Michel Coornaert Géométrie et théorie des groupes Les groupes hyperboliques de Gromov 978-3-540-52977-4 1990 1442 Luigi Accardi Quantum Probability and Applications V Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop, held in Heidelberg, FRG, Sept. 26–30, 1988 978-3-540-53026-8 1990 1443 Karl Heinz Dovermann Equivariant Surgery Theories and Their Periodicity Properties 978-3-540-53042-8 1990 1444 Hayri Korezlioglu Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics II Proceedings of a Second Workshop held in Silivri, Turkey, July 18–30, 1988 978-3-540-53064-0 1990 1445 Friedmar Schulz Regularity Theory for Quasilinear Elliptic Systems and Monge—Ampère Equations in Two Dimensions 978-3-540-53103-6 1990 1446 Ivar Ekeland Methods of Nonconvex Analysis Lectures given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Varenna, Italy, June 15–23, 1989 978-3-540-53120-3 1990 1447 Jean-Pierre Labesse Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups and Automorphic Forms Proceedings of a Conference held in Luminy/Marseille, France, May 22–27 1989 978-3-540-53422-8 1990 1448 Surender Kumar Jain Non-Commutative Ring Theory Proceedings of a Conference held in Athens, Ohio Sept. 29–30, 1989 978-3-540-53164-7 1990 1449 Wlodzimierz Odyniec Minimal Projections in Banach Spaces Problems of Existence and Uniqueness and their Application 978-3-540-53197-5 1990 1450 Hiroshi Fujita Functional-Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations Proceedings of a Conference and a Symposium held in Tokyo, Japan, July 3–9, 1989 978-3-540-53393-1 1990 1451 Luis Alvarez-Gaumé Global Geometry and Mathematical Physics Lectures given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, July 4–12, 1988 978-3-540-53286-6 1990 1452 Edmund Hlawka Number-Theoretic Analysis Seminar, Vienna 1988-89 978-3-540-53408-2 1990 1453 Yurii G. Borisovich Global Analysis - Studies and Applications IV 978-3-540-53407-5 1990 1454 Francesco Baldassarri p-adic Analysis Proceedings of the International Conference held in Trento, Italy, May 29–June 2, 1989 978-3-540-53477-8 1990 1455 Jean-Pierre Françoise Bifurcations of Planar Vector Fields Proceedings of a Meeting held in Luminy, France, Sept. 18–22, 1989 978-3-540-53509-6 1990 1456 L. G. Kovács Groups—Canberra 1989 Australian National University Group Theory Program 1989 978-3-540-53475-4 1990 1457 Owe Axelsson Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods Proceedings of a Conference held in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 19–21, 1989 978-3-540-53515-7 1990 1458 Renate Schaaf Global Solution Branches of Two Point Boundary Value Problems 978-3-540-53514-0 1990 1459 Dan Tiba Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Distributed Parameter Systems 978-3-540-53524-9 1990 1460 Giuseppe Toscani Mathematical Aspects of Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Salice Terme, Italy, 26–30 September 1988 978-3-540-53545-4 1991 1461 Rudolf Gorenflo Abel Integral Equations Analysis and Applications 978-3-540-53668-0 1991 1462 David Mond Singularity Theory and its Applications Warwick 1989, Part I: Geometric Aspects of Singularities 978-3-540-53737-3 1991 1463 Mark Roberts Singularity Theory and its Applications Warwick 1989, Part II: Singularities, Bifurcations and Dynamics 978-3-540-53736-6 1991 1464 Donald L. Burkholder Ecole d’Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XIX — 1989 978-3-540-53841-7 1991 1465 Guy David Wavelets and Singular Integrals on Curves and Surfaces 978-3-540-53902-5 1991 1466 Wojciech Banaszczyk Additive Subgroups of Topological Vector Spaces 978-3-540-53917-9 1991 1467 Wolfgang M. Schmidt Diophantine Approximations and Diophantine Equations 978-3-540-54058-8 1991 1468 Junjiro Noguchi Prospects in Complex Geometry Proceedings of the 25th Taniguchi International Symposium held in Katata, and the Conference held in Kyoto, July 31–August 9, 1989 978-3-540-54053-3 1991 1469 Joram Lindenstrauss Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis Israel Seminar (GAFA) 1989–90 978-3-540-54024-3 1991 1470 Edward E. Odwell Functional Analysis Proceedings of the Seminar at the University of Texas at Austin 1987–89 978-3-540-54206-3 1991 1471 Michel Courtieu Non-Archimedean L-Functions and Arithmetical Siegel Modular Forms Second, Augmented Edition 978-3-540-40729-4 2003 1472 Torben T. Nielsen Bose Algebras: The Complex and Real Wave Representations 978-3-540-54041-0 1991 1473 Yoshiyuki Hino Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay 978-3-540-54084-7 1991 1474 Stefan Jackowski Algebraic Topology Poznan 1989 Proceedings of a Conference held in Poznan, Poland, June 22–27, 1989 978-3-540-54098-4 1991 1475 Stavros Busenberg Delay Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Proceedings of a Conference in honor of Kenneth Cooke held in Claremont, California, Jan. 13–16, 1990 978-3-540-54120-2 1991 1476 Mohamed Bekkali Topics in Set Theory Lebesgue Measurability, Large Cardinals, Forcing Axioms, Rho-functions 978-3-540-54121-9 1991 1477 Ryszard Jajte Strong Limit Theorems in Noncommutative L2-Spaces 978-3-540-54214-8 1991 1478 Marie-Paule Malliavin Topics in Invariant Theory Séminaire d’Algèbre P. Dubreil et M.-P. Malliavin 1989–1990 (40ème Année) 978-3-540-54377-0 1991 1479 Spencer Bloch Algebraic Geometry Proceedings of the US-USSR Symposium held in Chicago, June 20–July 14, 1989 978-3-540-54456-2 1991 1480 Freddy Dumortier Bifurcations of Planar Vector Fields Nilpotent Singularities and Abelian Integrals 978-3-540-54521-7 1991 1481 Dirk Ferus Global Differential Geometry and Global Analysis Proceedings of a Conference held in Berlin, 15–20 June, 1990 978-3-540-54728-0 1991 1482 Jan Chabrowski The Dirichlet Problem with L2-Boundary Data for Elliptic Linear Equations 978-3-540-54486-9 1991 1483 Eduard Reithmeier Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Numerical Computation, Stability, Bifurcation and Transition to Chaos 978-3-540-54512-5 1991 1484 Hans Delfs Homology of Locally Semialgebraic Spaces 978-3-540-54615-3 1991 1485 Jaques Azéma Séminaire de Probabilités XXV 978-3-540-54616-0 1991 1486 Ludwig Arnold Lyapunov Exponents Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, May 28 – June 2, 1990 978-3-540-54662-7 1991 1487 Eberhard Freitag Singular Modular Forms and Theta Relations 978-3-540-54704-4 1991 1488 Aurelio Carboni Category Theory Proceedings of the International Conference held in Como, Italy, July 22–28, 1990 978-3-540-54706-8 1991 1489 Alexander Mielke Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Flows on Center Manifolds with Applications to Elliptic Variational Problems 978-3-540-54710-5 1991 1490 Klaus Metsch Linear Spaces with Few Lines 978-3-540-54720-4 1991 1491 Emilio Lluis-Puebla Higher Algebraic K-Theory: an overview 978-3-540-55007-5 1992 1492 Keith R. Wicks Fractals and Hyperspaces 978-3-540-54965-9 1991 1493 Eric Benoît Dynamic Bifurcations Proceedings of a Conference held in Luminy, France, March 5–10, 1990 978-3-540-54900-0 1991 1494 Min-Teh Cheng Harmonic Analysis Proceedings of the special program at the Nankai Institute of Mathematics Tianjin, PR China, March–July, 1988 978-3-540-54901-7 1991 1495 Jean Michel Bony Microlocal Analysis and Applications Lectures given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, July 3–11, 1989 978-3-540-54948-2 1991 1496 Ciprian Foias H8-Control Theory Lectures given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Como, Italy, June 18–26, 1990 978-3-540-54949-9 1991 1497 Gabor T. Herman Mathematical Methods in Tomography Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, Germany, 5–11 June, 1990 978-3-540-54970-3 1991 1498 Reinhard Lang Spectral Theory of Random Schrödinger Operators A Genetic Introduction 978-3-540-54975-8 1991 1499 Kazuaki Taira Boundary Value Problems and Markov Processes 978-3-642-01676-9 2009 1499 Kazuaki Taira Boundary Value Problems and Markov Processes 978-3-540-54996-3 1991 1500 Jean-Pierre Serre Lie Algebras and Lie Groups 1964 Lectures given at Harvard University 978-3-540-55008-2 1992
Created on November 22, 2010 at 16:39:02. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.