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Let be commutative generators of a symmetric algebra where , and let be the generators of -dimensional Lie algebra and also of he corresponding (noncommutative) generators of the enveloping algebra .
Let be the -th Weyl algebra, which is canonically isomorphic as a vector space to as a vector space and its (semi-)completion by the degree of the differential operator. Hence in as a vector space is where is the space of formal power series in the dual coordinates to , which play role of the partial derivatives in the semi-completed Weyl algebra.
Suppose is a realization of the Lie algebra by differential operators (that is a homomorphism of Lie algebras into the Lie algebra of the associative algebra ) of the special form
where are formal power series in . Denote . Then the following system of formal differential equations holds
Conversely, the formula above for defines a homomorphism of Lie algebras if this differential system holds. In that case also extends to a homomorphism of Lie algebras. The latter is equivalent to a Hopf action which in turn defines a smash product . If then there is an algebra isomorphism .
Created on June 24, 2011 at 10:59:39.
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