nLab partial model category

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Partial model categories are one of the many intermediate notions between relative categories and model categories.

They axiomatize those properties of model categories that only involve weak equivalences.


A partial model category is a relative category (C,W)(C, W) that satisfies the 2-out-of-6 property (if srs r and tst s are weak equivalences, then so are rr, ss, tt, tsrt s r) and admits a 3-arrow calculus?, i.e., there are subcategories U,VWU, V \subseteq W of the weak equivalences (which can be thought of as analogues of acyclic cofibrations and acyclic fibrations) such that UU is closed under cobase changes along arbitrary morphisms of CC (which are required to exist), VV is closed under base changes along arbitrary morphisms of CC, and any weak equivalence can be functorially factored as the composition vuv u for some uUu\in U and vVv\in V.


If (C,W)(C,W) is a partial model category, then any Reedy fibrant replacement of the Rezk nerve? N(C,W)N(C,W) is a complete Segal space.


Last revised on July 12, 2021 at 20:18:57. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.