David Roberts scratch 2015

This page is intended to be a dumping ground for thoughts. No guarantee is made for correctness. On the other hand, I would be happy to discuss stuff from here if you have ideas. See David Roberts for my contact details. See also: scratch 2014, scratch 2016, scratch 2017




Get from a bounded geometric morphism p:EFp:E \to F of bounded toposes an internal category in FF such that EE is sheaves on that. Consult the Elephant. If EE is already given by sheaves on an external site, then we can take for a bound for pp the coproduct of the representables.


A forcing notion that is a poset is κ\kappa-closed (or rather <κ\lt \kappa-closed), for κ\kappa a regular cardinal, if it has λ\lambda-codirected limits for all λ<κ\lambda \lt \kappa; or better, λ\lambda-filtered limits. In the usual definition, one takes λ\lambda-sequential limits, or at least weak λ\lambda-sequential limits (a lower bound without being an infimum). But in a poset, (weak) filtered limits are the same as sequential limits.

However, this property is only used to show that κ\kappa-closed posets become κ\kappa-distributive? after forcing with a poset that is κ\kappa-cc (i.e. satisfies the κ\kappa-chain condition).

Recall that κ\kappa-distributive means that the intersection of less than κ\kappa covering sieves is again a covering sieve. For posets in traditional forcing, covering sieves are identified with dense sets of elements. It is a theorem in classical logic that κ\kappa-closed implies κ\kappa-distributive (i.e. the existence of sequential limits of the appropriate size implies the intersection of that many covering sieves is a covering sieve). But for more general sites I don’t see how this helps.



Lee Rudolph A Morse function for a surface in ℂℙ 3\mathbb{CP}^3, Topology 1975, Vol.14(4):301–303, doi:10.1016/0040-9383(75)90013-0

Suggested at this MO answer to my question “Vector field on a K3 surface with 24 zeroes”.

Last revised on September 9, 2017 at 00:56:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.