David Roberts scratch 2016


This page is intended to be a dumping ground for thoughts. No guarantee is made for correctness. On the other hand, I would be happy to discuss stuff from here if you have ideas. See David Roberts for my contact details. See also: scratch 2014, scratch 2015, scratch 2021




For λ\lambda-rings with positive structure, see these notes by Grinberg, Appendix X. ‘Positive structure on λ\lambda-rings’. This is needed for the 17 August comment below.



Any torsion extension of B//GB//G, for BB a ball in an orthogonal representation of GG (a compact Lie group) is isomorphic to one of the form B//G˜B//\tilde{G}, for G˜G\tilde{G} \to G a torsion extension.


Here’s a collection of things I’ve written about class forcing, set theory and the like:



Some papers about the Heisenberg group:



Husemöller chapter (8/9) ‘Stability properties of vector bundles’ section 1 (‘Trivial summands of vector bundles’). In particular, for a complex vector bundle EME\to M over an nn-dimensional manifold, for rk(E)=m>(n1)/2rk(E) = m \gt \lfloor(n-1)/2\rfloor, then EE m(n1)/2̲E \simeq E'\oplus \underline{\mathbb{C}^{m-\lfloor(n-1)/2\rfloor}}, for some vector bundle EE'. Here V̲\underline{V} means the trivial bundle with fibre VV.

If E 1,E 2E_1,E_2 are two vector bundles on XX of rank kn/2k \geq \lfloor n/2\rfloor, and which are stably isomorphic (i.e. E 1 l̲E 2 l̲E_1 \oplus \underline{\mathbb{C}^l} \simeq E_2 \oplus \underline{\mathbb{C}^l} for some ll, then E 1E 2E_1 \simeq E_2.

For GG a compact (Lie) group and EXE\to X a GG-vector bundle, then

ρG^Hom(V ρ̲,E)V ρ̲ \bigoplus_{\rho\in \widehat{G}} Hom(\underline{V_\rho},E)\otimes \underline{V_\rho}

for G^\widehat{G} the set of isomorphism classes of irreducible representations ρ:GV ρ\rho\colon G\to V_\rho of GG.

Weibel’s K-book, Theorem 4.6: augmented λ\lambda-rings such that every element has finite γ\gamma-dimension have their augmentation ideal contained in the nilradical (i.e. every element is nilpotent). For KK-theory of a compact space (or of a paracompact connected space) then the augmentation ideal is the nilradical. Note that this sort of thing doesn’t hold for the representation ring of a finite group in general (e.g. G=C 2G=C_2). See also ‘positive structures’ on λ\lambda-rings.

There’s a version of this proof in Atiyah’s book K-Theory, specifically for topological K-theory, but it is really about the filtration and the operations.

Last revised on May 14, 2021 at 10:02:51. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.