Eric Forgy
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Noncommutative Geometry
Michel Dubois-violette (
Lectures on Graded Differential Algebras and Noncommutative Geometry
Differential Envelope & Universal Differential Calculus
R. Coquereaux and D. Kastler,
Remarks on the differential envelopes of associative algebras
H. C. Baehr, A. Dimakis, F. Müller-Hoissen,
Differential Calculi on Commutative Algebras
M. Kontsevich, A. Rosenberg,
Noncommutative smooth spaces
Category Theory
Index (co)limits and (co)ends
Codescent and the van Kampen Theorem
: A lot of good definitions
Integration (String Coffee Table)
Metric Spaces, Generalized Logic, and Closed Categories
Groupoidification Made Easy
Tales of Groupoification
Lectures on Integrability of Lie Brackets
AQFT from Lattice Models
-Lie theory and AQFT (
Measure on Paths
“arrow theory”
Wedge product
Arrow fields
Arrow category
Parity complexes?
Tangent category, Yoneda, Cayley
Double category (page 6)
I’m starting to think that a 2-diamond should somehow be related to a double category. Or maybe even
double bicategories
Lectures on Integrability of Lie Brackets
: A very readable introduction to Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids
C* Algebras and Higher Graphs
C* Algebras of Infinite Graphs
Graphs, groupoids and Cuntz-Krieger algebras
Fundamental groupoids of k-graphs
C* algebras associated to higher-rank graphs
Revised on January 6, 2009 at 04:44:10 by
Eric Forgy