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Katz: Review of -adic cohomology (in the Motives volumes)
Katz: Independence of and Weak Lefschetz
Tate: Conjectures on Algebraic Cycles in -adic cohomology (in the Motives volumes)
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Deligne: Decompositions… (Motives vol) has a section.
Ekedahl: On the adic formalism
Kahn: We prove some finiteness theorems for the 'étale cohomology, Borel-Moore homology and cohomology with proper supports of schemes of finite type over a finite or p-adic field. This yields vanishing results for their l-adic cohomology, proving part of a conjecture of Jannsen.
Jannsen: On the -adic cohomology of varieties over number fields and its Galois cohomology. Galois groups over (Berkeley, CA, 1987), 315–360.
Jannsen: On the Galois cohomology of -adic representations attached to varieties over local or global fields. Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris 1986–87, 165–182. Let be a local or global field, its separable closure, and an algebraic variety over . The author presents three conjectures on Galois cohomology of the étale cohomology groups of . Statements of conjectures: see Mathscinet - they failed to save.
He states with or without proofs that all conjectures except (1b) are true for or a form of the standard cellular varieties, that (3) is true for , and that (1) holds for if is an elliptic curve defined over, and having CM by, and is a regular prime for .
Analogues of (1) and (3) in the function field case are proved and interrelations between the three conjectures and those of \n A. Be\u\i linson\en [in Current problems in mathematics, Vol. 24 (Russian), 181238, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vsesoyuz. Inst. Nauchn. i Tekhn. Inform., Moscow, 1984; MR0760999 (86h:11103)] and \n J.-M. Fontaine\en [Ann. of Math. (2) 115 (1982), no. 3, 529577; MR0657238 (84d:14010)] are discussed.
See also Sheaf cohomology, Weil cohomology, Etale cohomology
(first part of these notes under étale cohomology)
See Etale cohomology for the def of and the compact support version of the same group. Taking inverse limits gives -adic cohomology groups.
Here we work with a scheme separated and of finite type over a field , and a prime invertible in . The groups above are finitely gen -modules with a continuous action of the Galois group, which vanish for and which satisfies the expected universal coefficient long exact seq.
Tensoring with gives finite-dim vector spaces, again with a cont Galois action and vanishing thm. We also get a Kunneth formula both for ordinary cohomology groups and compact support cohomology groups. If is smooth and geometrically connected, PD holds, replace by in the formula above.
From here, Katz treats the case of a finite ground field with elements. Details omitted here. Summary: Def of zeta function. Explanation of why/when Frob acts as identity on cohomology. Geometric, absolute and relative Frob. For any sep of finite type, and any , expression of the zeta function as the alternating product of characteristic polynomials of geometric Frob acting on cohomology with compact support. Statement of Weil conjectures, the results hold for any sep of finite type.
Corollary: Let be proper and smooth. Then each such characteristic polynomial lies in and has coeffs indep of . Consequence: Betti numbers are indep of .
Things we don’t know:
and its compact support analogue
and it is hoped that the characteristic polynomial of Frob on each has coeffs, indep of .
Following Ito
Let be a field, with absolute Galois group . An Artin represenation of is a continuous HM to , where is a complex vector space of finite dimension. An -adic rep is the same thing with replaced by a finite extension of . Any Artin rep has finite image, so can be regarded as an -adic rep after fixing an isomorphism .
Remark: Any continuous HM has image contained in for some finite extension of .
Example: , defined as the inverse limit of the , gives the cyclotomic character , for any invertible in . Tensoring any -adic representation with this character defines the Tate twist of the rep.
Example: The Tate module of an elliptic curve over , for any invertible in . In the case where is a number field and has no CM, the image of this rep is if finite index in for all , and is the whole thing for almost all .
Example: For any variety defined over , and any prime number invertible in , we have the -adic cohomology group .
Let be local, with residue field . Def: inertia subgp of . Def: Weil group . LCFT gives the reciprocity isomorphism . Here a uniformiser of corresponds to a lifting of the geometric (or arithmetic) Frobenius.
Can consider -adic reps of . Any -adic rep of defines an -adic rep of , but not every such rep arises like this, because the topology we use on (in which intertia is an open subgroup) is stronger than the induced topology. An -adic rep of any of these two groups is said to be unramified if the image of inertia is trivial.
Assume that does not divide . Then can define the L-function of a representation by
When divides , can define the L-function using -adic Hodge theory.
Consider a global field and a prime number invertible in . An Artin or -adic representation induces a representation of for every finite place of . We define the L-function of as
the product taken over all finite places.
We say that is pure of weight if there is a finite set of finte places such that, for each finite place outside , is unramified, and the eigenvalues of are algebraic integers whose complex conjugates (?) have complex absolute values .
Examples: Artin reps are pure of weight . The -adic cyclotomic character is pure of weight . Etale cohomology groups as above are pure of weight , by basic properties of étale cohomology together with the Weil conjectures.
Examples: The above definition of L-function gives the Riemann zeta function and Dirichlet L-functions in the obvious cases.
Example: For an elliptic curve over a global field, the L-function attached to is independent of , so can write . Interpretation in terms of number of rational points on reductions. More generally, for a projective smooth variety over , the Hasse-Weil zeta function of , at good places, can be written as a product of L-functions and inverses of L-functions attached to the -adic cohomology groups of .
Example: The -adic representation attached to a modular form for (of level , character , which is a normalized cusp form and a simultaneous eigenvector for all the Hecke operators). (Eichler, Shimura, Deligne, Serre.) In the case , is trivial, and for all , then the Galois representation is constructed from the Tate module of an elliptic curve.
Conversely, given a 2-dimensional Galois rep, one wants to know if it comes from a modular form. The strong Artin conjecture predicts that any irreducible, odd, 2-dimensional Artin rep comes from a modular form of weight 1. This is true when the image is solvable, and perhaps true in general by recent work of Khare and Wintenberger. Taniyama-Shimura-Wiles says that the Galois rep ass to an elliptic curve over is associated to some modular form of weight 2.
Consider a global field , its adele ring , and a prime invertible in . Roughly speaking, the global Langlands correspondence for over predicts an L-function-preserving correspondence between
Say that an automorphic rep and a Galois rep are associated if their L-functions agree, up to a shift, and at almost all places. Examples come from class field theory and Galois reps attached to modular forms. Remark: For each , there exists at most one associated (by Chebotarev density thm), and for each , there exists at most one (by strong multiplicity one).
One expects that cuspidal automorphic reps correspond to irreducible Galois reps.
Ramanujan conjecture predicts that the -adic rep associated to a cuspidal automorphic rep is pure.
The word in the above correspondence should mean: Unramified at all but finitely many places, and de Rham at . (At least for irreducible Galois reps of )
For certain number fields and certin automorphic reps, the associated Galois rep was constructed by Clozel, Kottwitz, Harris-Taylor.
One can also express the Langlands correspondence in terms of the conjectural Langlands dual group . This group should be an extension of by a compact group. For a local field, there are definitions of , namely as when is archimedean, and as when is nonarch. Very roughly, complex representations of the Langlands dual group correspond to -adic reps of (taking into account some p-adic Hodge theory).
The local Langlands correspondence says, roughly, that for a local field there exists a “natural” bijection between
This can also be formulated in terms of complex reps of the Langlands dual group, or in terms of the Weil-Deligne group.
Remark: In contrast to the global case, the local L-function does not characterise representations.
Remark: We do not treat the archimedean case here. There is a formulation of local Langlands correspondence, which was proved by Langlands.
Let be a global field and a reductive connected group over .
The L-group of is the semidirect product of a with , where is (the complex points of) the so called dual of . Roughly speaking, this dual is obtained from by interchanging roots and coroots. If is simply connected (adjoint), then is adjoint (simply connected). In the case where is an inner form of a split group, the above semidirect product is just a direct product.
There should be a Langlands correspondence between:
This correspondence is not bijective. In particular, objects on the automorphic side should be partitioned into L-packets.
To obtain precise statements, work with -adic reps of instead of complex reps of . The maps above can be replaced by maps
Def: L-functions on the automorphic side (through Satake parameters)
Def: L-function on Galois side
Both L-functions are only defined after fixing a rep .
Formulation of Langlands correspondence, roughly as above.
Local versions: For archimedean, this was done by Langlands (Langlands classification). For nonarchimedean, it is known for unramified reps (Satake parameters).
One expects the following: A homomorphism should induce an operation from the set of (L-packets of) automorphic reps of to that of , satisfying
for all . In this situation, is called a lifting, or transfer, of . This operation can be described conjecturally, at least for almost all places. If we believe the Langlands correspondence, we can construct the operation by passing to the Galois side, composing with , and then going back to the automorphic side.
There is a “fuller” version of the Principle of Functoriality (POF) expressed in terms of L-groups rather than dual groups.
Exampe: The Langlands correspondence itself follows from the POF between the trivial group and .
Example: Base change: An operation from automorphic reps for to automorphic reps for a finite extension of .
Example: Automorphic induction; take for simplicity: An operation from automorphic reps of to automorphic reps of , where is an extension of degree .
Example: Transfer to quasi-split inner forms. As a special case, obtain the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence.
Example: Symmetric power lifting. Let and . Have the symmetric power homomorphism . Should get operation on automorphic reps.
Example: The (weak) Artin conjecture says that the L-function of an irreducible nontrivial Artin rep is entire. This is a consequence of the Langlands correspondence for for Artin reps.
Example: FLT follows from Taniyama-Shimura. Sato-Tate follows from Taniyama-Shimura together with existence of symmetric power liftings.
Techniques for constructing automorphic reps:
Much recent progress. Details…
Gabber, Ofer (F-IHES): Sur la torsion dans la cohomologie l-adique d’une vari´et´e. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S´er. I Math. 297 (1983), no. 3, 179–182. The main result is that the etale cohomology of a smooth projective variety over a separably closed field is torsion free except at a finite number of primes. The proof depends on the cohomology of Lefschetz pencils and there is a complement on the Lefschetz morphisms.
nLab page on l-adic cohomology