This is John Baez's personal web on the Lab. Here’s what I’ve got:
John Baez and Peter May, Towards Higher Categories. (A book.)
John Baez and James Dolan, Dirichlet species and the Hasse-Weil zeta function. (Draft of the paper Dirichlet species and arithmetic zeta functions.)
John Baez and James Dolan, Zeta functions of Z-sets. (A paper in progress.)
John Baez and Todd Trimble, Schur functors I, Schur functors II and extra notes. (Drafts of the paper Schur functors and categorified plethysm, coauthored with Joe Moeller.)
John Baez, Algebraic groups. (Thoughts on a course.)
John Baez and James Dolan, Doctrines of algebraic geometry (Notes.)
John Baez, Greg Egan and John Huerta, Geometry of the exceptional Jordan algebra. (A place for collecting facts.)
John Baez, Tobias Fritz and Tom Leinster, Entropy as a functor. (Much of this, but not all, became our joint paper A characterization of entropy in terms of information loss.)
John Baez, Circuit theory. (Draft of a paper. Much of this, but not the part on cohomology, found its way into a paper by John Baez and Brendan Fong, A compositional framework for passive linear networks.)
John Baez, Diagrams. (Now copied to the Azimuth Project page Network theory. This is legacy page.)l
Last revised on February 7, 2025 at 07:00:57. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.