nLab Author — Hugo Herbelin


Hugo Herbelin has contributed to 15 nLab pages.

Most recent contributions

differential linear logic 12:53:39, July 13 2024
fibered heterogeneous identity type 20:19:13, April 22 2024
equality 19:16:48, April 22 2024
Rezk completion 17:24:18, April 17 2024
(n-connected, n-truncated) factorization system 17:10:33, April 17 2024
Galois connection 16:49:39, April 17 2024
weak factorization system 16:39:13, April 17 2024
Reedy model structure 10:08:09, December 25 2023
adjunction 18:34:14, May 30 2023
higher-order logic 19:53:30, May 28 2023
semi-simplicial types in homotopy type theory 13:12:39, May 28 2023
semi-simplicial types in homotopy type theory 12:32:13, May 28 2023
semi-simplicial types in homotopy type theory 19:19:59, May 07 2023
semi-simplicial types in homotopy type theory 17:13:51, May 07 2023
semi-simplicial types in homotopy type theory 16:13:05, May 07 2023
diagram 14:10:17, May 07 2023
semi-simplicial types in homotopy type theory 13:18:57, May 07 2023
semi-simplicial set 20:58:33, April 02 2023
Segal condition 22:22:55, November 28 2022
Reedy model structure 21:35:53, November 28 2022
Coq 09:55:55, November 12 2022

All pages contributed to