nLab δ-ring



(Definition 2.1 in Bhatt–Scholze.)

Fix a prime pp. A δ-ring is a pair (R,δ)(R,\delta), where RR is a commutative ring and δ:RR\delta\colon R\to R is a map of underlying sets such that δ(0)=0\delta(0)=0, δ(1)=0\delta(1)=0,

δ(xy)=x pδ(y)+y pδ(x)+pδ(x)δ(y),\delta(x y)=x^p \delta(y)+y^p \delta(x) + p\delta(x)\delta(y),


δ(x+y)=δ(x)+δ(y)+(x p+y p(x+y) p)/p.\delta(x+y)=\delta(x)+\delta(y)+(x^p+y^p-(x+y)^p)/p.


If (R,δ)(R,\delta) is a δ-ring, then the map ϕ:RR\phi\colon R\to R given by ϕ(x)=x p+pδ(x)\phi(x)=x^p + p\delta(x) is a ring homomorphism that lifts the Frobenius endomorphism on R/pR/p.

For pp-torsionfree rings, the above correspondence between δ-structures and lifts of the Frobenius endomorphism on R/pR/p to RR is bijective. This motivates the identities in the definition of a δ-structure.


The original notion is due to André Joyal:

  • André Joyal, δ-anneaux et vecteurs de Witt, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 7 (1985), no. 3, 177–182.

Recent developments can be found in

Last revised on December 24, 2021 at 07:26:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.