-module over an -algebra is an object with an -representation of , modelled in the same formalism as the -algebras are (usually in -linear context, most often in (∞,1)-categories of chain complexes). In particular, one considers -modules over an associative algebra or a dg-algebra viewed as a special case of an -algebra.
Bernhard Keller, Introduction to A-infinity algebras and modules, Homology Homotopy Appl. 3(1) (2001) 1–35 arXiv:math.RA/9910179 addendum.dvi
Bernhard Keller, Bimodule complexes via strong homotopy actions, Algebr. Represent. Theory 3(4) (2000) 357–376
Yuri Berest, Oleg Chalykh, -modules and Calogero-Moser spaces, J. Reine Angew. Math. 607 (2007) 69–112 MR2009f:16019doi