nLab Yuri Berest

Yuri Berest is a professor at Cornell, mathematics department: web

My research interests include mathematical physics, algebraic geometry and representation theory. I am particularly interested in various interactions between these fields. Some of my recent work is related to noncommutative geometry, integrable systems, differential operators on algebraic varieties, representation theory of Cherednik algebras, and the theory of invariants of finite reflection groups.

  • Yuri Berest, Oleg Chalykh, A A_\infty-modules and Calogero-Moser spaces, J. Reine Angew. Math. 607 (2007), 69–112, MR2009f:16019, doi
  • Yu. Berest, P. Etingof, V. Ginzburg, Finite-dimensional representations of rational Cherednik algebras, Int. Math. Res. Not. 2003, no. 19, 1053-1088.
  • Yu. Berest, G. Wilson, Automorphisms and ideals of the Weyl algebra, Math Ann 318, 127–147 (2000) doi
  • Yu. Berest, G. Wilson, Ideal classes of the Weyl algebra and noncommutative projective geometry (with an Appendix by M. Van den Bergh), Internat. Math. Res. Notices 26 (2002) 1347–1396
  • Yu. Berest, G. Wilson, Mad subalgebras of rings of differential operators on curves, Advances in Math. 212 no. 1 (2007), 163–190.
  • Yuri Berest, Calogero-Moser spaces over algebraic curves, Sel. math., New ser. 14, 373–396 (2009) doi arXiv:0809.4521
  • Yuri Berest, The problem of lacunas and analysis on root systems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), 3743–3776.
  • Yuri Berest, The theory of lacunas and quantum integrable systems, Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models (Montréal, QC, 1997), 53–64, CRM Ser. Math. Phys., Springer 2000.
  • Yuri Berest, Oleg Chalykh, Farkhod Eshmatov, Recollement of deformed preprojective algebras and the Calogero-Moser correspondence, Mosc. Math. J. 8:1 (2008) 21–37

    arXiv:0706.3006 doi MR2422265

  • Yu. Berest, X. Chen, F. Eshmatov, A. Ramadoss, Noncommutative Poisson structures, derived representation schemes and Calabi-Yau algebras, Contemp. Math. 583 (2012) 219–246 arXiv:1202.2717
  • Yu. Berest, G. Felder, A. Ramadoss, Derived representation schemes and noncommutative geometry, arXiv:1304.5314
  • George Khachatryan, Derived representation schemes and non-commutative geometry, Cornell PhD thesis under guidance of Yuri Berest online
  • Yuri Berest, George Khachatryan, Ajay Ramadoss, Derived representation schemes and cyclic homology, Adv. Math. 245, (2013) 625–689 arXiv:1112.1449
  • Yuri Berest, Giovanni Felder, Sasha Patotski, Ajay C. Ramadoss, Thomas Willwacher, Representation homology, Lie algebra cohomology and derived Harish-Chandra homomorphism, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 19:9 (2017) 2811–2893 arXiv:1410.0043
category: people

Last revised on September 20, 2022 at 13:57:19. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.