nLab Birkhoff's theorem


Zoran Škoda writes:

There are several things called “Birkhoff’s theorem” in various field of mathematics and mathematical physics, and belong even to at least 2 different classical Birkhoff’s. Even wikipedia has pages for more than one such theorem. To me the first which comes to mind is Birkhoff’s factorization theorem, now also popular in Kreimer-Connes-Marcolli work and in connection to loop groups (cf. book by Segal and Pressley).

Some named results pertaining to Garrett Birkhoff (mainly algebraist) are

Named results pertaining to George David Birkhoff (mainly analyst) include


On Birkhoff's subdirect representation theorem:

William Lawvere considers this Birkhoff’s theorem through the eyes of Isbell duality and cohesive toposes in

  • William Lawvere, Birkhoff’s Theorem from a geometric perspective: A simple example, to appear in Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications (2016), journal page.

Last revised on August 30, 2024 at 09:34:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.