nLab Hadamard product



Of matrices

The Hadamard product or Schur product or element-wise product of two matrices AA and BB in a commutative ring RR is a matrix ABA \odot B whose elements c i,jc_{i, j} are the product a i,jb i,ja_{i, j} \cdot b_{i, j} of the respective elements a i,ja_{i, j} in the matrix AA and b i,jb_{i, j} in the matrix BB.

Of power series

The Hadamard product of two power series p= i=0 a ix ip = \sum_{i = 0}^\infty a_i x^i and q= i=0 b ix iq = \sum_{i = 0}^\infty b_i x^i with coefficients from a commutative ring RR is the power series defined by

pq i=0 a ib ix ip \odot q \coloneqq \sum_{i = 0}^\infty a_i b_i x^i

More generally

Let RR be a commutative ring, and let [n][n] denote the finite set with nn elements. The mm by nn matrix algebra M m,n(R)M_{m, n}(R) is isomorphic to the function algebra [mn]R[m n] \to R, where the Hadamard product in M m,n(R)M_{m, n}(R) corresponds to pointwise multiplication in [mn]R[m n] \to R. Similarly, the power series ring R[[x]]R[[x]] is isomorphic to the function algebra R\mathbb{N} \to R, where the Hadamard product in R[[x]]R[[x]] corresponds to pointwise multiplication in R\mathbb{N} \to R.

Thus, there is a generalization of the definition of Hadamard product from matrix algebras and power series rings to any commutative algebra with a isomorphism of commutative algebras to a function algebra:

Let SS be a set, let RR be a commutative ring, and let AA be a commutative RR-algebra with an isomorphism of commutative RR-algebras i:A(SR)i:A \cong (S \to R). Then the Hadamard product in AA is a binary operation (X,Y)XY:A×AA(X, Y) \mapsto X \odot Y:A \times A \to A defined as

XYi 1(xi(X)(x)i(Y)(x))X \odot Y \coloneqq i^{-1}(x \mapsto i(X)(x) \cdot i(Y)(x))


Created on August 2, 2023 at 12:16:11. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.