The notion of a -ring is closely tied to classical Adams operations , modeled by monoid homomorphisms from the multiplicative monoid to the monoid of ring homomorphisms on the underlying commutative ring and their compositions. As is freely generated by primes , the Adams operations play a distinguished role. Classically, they are “Frobenius lifts”, i.e., agrees with modulo : the Frobenius map which defines a ring endomorphism on lifts to the homomorphism .
The notion of -ring, originally due to André Joyal and developed independently by Alexandru Buium and others, axiomatizes the formal properties that hold for the “arithmetic derivative”
Fix a prime number and a power ().
A -ring is a commutative ring equipped with a unary operation satisfying the following identities:
, .
We say that is a -ring with respect to the pair .
These conditions imply that the unary operation is an endomorphism of the ring :
We say that is the Frobenius endomorphism associated with .
Conversely, let be an endomorphism of a commutative ring without -torsion. Suppose that for all
We obtain a structure of -ring on defined as follows:
Last revised on January 11, 2025 at 01:46:29. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.