Mitsuhiro Takeuchi is a Japanese algebraist. Much of his work is dedicated to bialgebras, Hopf algebras, coalgebras, (co)module algebras, Hopf-Galois extensions and various generalizations of these concepts as well as applications of bialgebras to the theory of algebraic and formal groups and quotients.
On the Gabriel-Popescu theorem:
On Hopf algebras and Galois extensions:
On Morita equivalence induce by bimodules over Hopf-Galois extensions:
Stefaan Caenepeel, Septimiu Crivei, Andrei Marcus, Mitsuhiro Takeuchi, Morita equivalences induced by bimodules over Hopf–Galois extensions, J. Algebra 314 (2007) 267–302 pdf
Y. Doi, Mitsuhiro Takeuchi, Cleft comodule algebras for a bialgebra, Comm. Alg. 14 (1986) 801–818 doi
M. Takeuchi, Matched pairs of groups and bismash products of Hopf algebras, Comm. Alg. 9:8 (1981) 841–882 doi
Introducing the left adjoint to the forgetful functor from Hopf algebras to coalgebras and (by composing) also to the forgetful functor to vector spaces (the free Hopf algebra functor), together with a first example of a Hopf algebra with non-bijective antipode:
Introducing what came to be called the Takeuchi product of -rings (where is a noncommutative ring):
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi: Groups of algebras over , J. Math. Soc. Japan 29, 459–492, 1977, MR0506407, euclid
Beware that the terminology of ends vs coends here is swapped as compared to, say, MacLane’s CWM.
Last revised on January 30, 2025 at 07:13:18. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.