nLab What is an elliptic object?

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This entry records the article

  • Stephan Stolz, Peter Teichner:

    What is an elliptic object?

    in: Topology, geometry and quantum field theory

    London Math. Soc. LNS 308

    Cambridge Univ. Press (2004) 247-343

    [pdf, pdf]

on geometric models for elliptic cohomology with speculations about the formalization of 2-dimensional CFT as an extended (2-functorial) FQFT, motivated by the Witten genus.

Related discussion of the stringor bundle:

In more recent developments the authors exchanged, for technical convenience, the conformal structure in favor of flat Riemannian structure in

See also:

category: reference

Last revised on April 7, 2023 at 08:40:50. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.