nLab antithesis partial order



A partial order in the antithesis interpretation of constructive mathematics in intuitionistic logic.


An antithesis partial order is a partial order (A,)(A, \leq) equipped with an irreflexive and symmetric relation \nsim and a relation <\lt such that for all xAx \in A, yAy \in A, and zAz \in A,

  • xyx \leq y and y<zy \lt z implies that x<zx \lt z

  • x<yx \lt y and yzy \leq z implies that x<zx \lt z

  • x<yx \lt y implies that xyx \nsim y

  • xyx \nsim y implies that x<yx \lt y or y<xy \lt x

In addition, we have the following concepts:

  • An antithesis partial order AA is strong if <\lt is a cotransitive relation.

  • An antithesis partial order AA is linear if for all xAx \in A and yAy \in A, x<yx \lt y implies xyx \leq y.

  • An antithesis partial order AA is total if \leq is a total relation.

  • An antithesis partial order AA is affirmative if \nsim is a denial inequality.

  • An antithesis partial order AA is refutative if \nsim is a tight relation.


  • The order in an ordered Kock field is a strong linear affirmative antithesis partial order.


Created on January 3, 2025 at 01:47:28. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.