nLab atom category




Atoms are regular directed complexes with a maximal cell. With the correct notion of maps, they are a contender for geometric shape for higher categories.



An atom is a regular directed complex whose underlying poset has a maximal element.

In regular directed complex, we defined a morphism f:PQf \colon P \to Q between regular directed complex as a function of the underlying posets that respects both input and output faces, that is, ff induces a bijection between Δ αx\Delta^\alpha x and Δ αf(x)\Delta^\alpha f(x).

This notion is, albeit well-suited for defining regular directed complexes, quite restrictive. For instance, the point 1\mathbf{1} is not a terminal object in this category. In fact, if there is a morphism f:PQf \colon P \to Q, then dimPdimQ\dim P \le \dim Q, which prevent using morphisms for modelling degeneracies.

Instead, we define a less restrictive notion of map, that strictly generalizes the morphisms.


In the following definition, we will impose two conditions (finality, and fibration)


(cartesian map of regular directed complex)
A cartesian map f:PQf \colon P \to Q between regular directed complexes is a function of the underlying set such that

  • ff is a Grothendieck fibration (in particular, ff is order-preserving);
  • for all xPx \in P, α{,+}\alpha \in \{ -, + \}, n0n \geq 0,
    f( n αx)= n αf(x); f(\partial^\alpha_n x) = \partial^\alpha_n f(x);
  • for all xPx \in P, the restriction and corestriction of f: n αx n αf(x)f \colon \partial^\alpha_n x \to \partial^\alpha_n f(x) is final;


In the previous definition, the fibration and finality condition implicitely see the underlying posets as categories.

This new definition of cartesian map generalizes the notion of morphism in the following sense:


Any morphism of regular directed complex is a cartesian map, and a cartesian map is a morphism if and only if it is dimension-preserving.


(atom category)
We define the atom category, that we write \odot, to be a skeleton of the category of atoms and cartesian maps.



The category \odot is a strict Cisinski generalized Reedy category (Def 2.4), where

  • the degree map d:d \colon \odot \to \mathbb{N} is given by the dimension UdimUU \mapsto \dim U;
  • the wide subcategory +\odot^+ is the cartesian maps that are injective;
  • the wide subcategory \odot^- is the cartesian maps that are surjective;


We use the prefix “strict” in the previous definition to mean that the factorisation system ( , +)(\odot^-, \odot^+) is strict rather than merely orthogonal

In particular, any cartesian map of atom factors uniquely as a surjection, which we also call a collapse, followed by an inclusion, which we also call an inclusion, and any cartesian map between atoms of the same dimension has to be the identity.

The inclusions are very-well behaved, we have


Let UU be an atom, there is a one-to-one correspondance between elements of UU and inclusions VUV \hookrightarrow U given by

xU(ι x:cl(x)U) x \in U \mapsto (\iota_x \colon \mathrm{cl}(x) \hookrightarrow U)


If ι:VU\iota \colon V \hookrightarrow U is an inclusion, there is an isomorphisms Vι(V)UV \cong \iota(V) \subseteq U, since VV is an atom, so is ι(V)\iota(V), whose maximal element defines an element xUx \in U which uniquely characterize ι\iota (since the category is skeletal).

However, the precise behavior of collapses is not as explicit as in the case of simplex or cube categories. Nevertheless, we have


The point 1\mathbf{1} is the terminal object of \odot.

as well as the Cisinski-Eilenberg-Zilber axiom which state that

  • every degeneracy has a section;
  • if two degeneracies have the same set of section, they are equal.

Stability of operations


The Gray product, the join, and the suspension are again atoms. Therefore:


(,,1)(\odot, \otimes, \mathbf{1}) is a monoidal category.

Notice that the only reason why the join \star does not make a monoidal category is because its unit \emptyset is only a regular directed complex, but not an atom.


(oriented simplex)
The nn-th oriented simplex Δ n\vec{\Delta}_n is defined inductively by

  • Δ 01\vec{\Delta}_0 \coloneqq \mathbf{1};
  • inductively, Δ nΔ n11\vec{\Delta}_n \coloneqq \vec{\Delta}_{n - 1} \star \mathbf{1};

We call Δ\vec{\Delta} the full subcategory of \odot on oriented simplices.


The category Δ\vec{\Delta} is isomorphic to the simplex category. More in details, the coface map d i:Δ n1Δ nd_i \colon \vec{\Delta}_{n - 1} \to \vec{\Delta}_{n} can be reconstructed as

id!id:Δ i1Δ ni1Δ i11Δ ni1 \mathrm{id} \star ! \star \mathrm{id} \colon \vec{\Delta}_{i - 1} \star \emptyset \star \vec{\Delta}_{n - i - 1} \hookrightarrow \vec{\Delta}_{i - 1} \star \mathbf{1} \star \vec{\Delta}_{n - i - 1}

and the codegeneracy s i:Δ n+1Δ ns_i \colon \vec{\Delta}_{n + 1} \to \vec{\Delta}_{n} can be reconstructed as

id!id:Δ i1Δ 1Δ ni1Δ i11Δ ni1. \mathrm{id} \star ! \star \mathrm{id} \colon \vec{\Delta}_{i - 1} \star \vec{\Delta}_1 \star \vec{\Delta}_{n - i - 1} \hookrightarrow \vec{\Delta}_{i - 1} \star \mathbf{1} \star \vec{\Delta}_{n - i - 1}.

Test category


The category \odot is a test category.


As 1\mathbf{1} is the terminal object, \odot is aspherical. Therefore, it suffices to prove that \odot is a local test category. This follows from Cisinski06, Corollaire 8.2.16, using the cylinder object UIUU \mapsto \vec{I} \otimes U, extend via Day convolution on presheaves. Since atoms are stable under Gray products, the map IUUI \otimes U \twoheadrightarrow U is representable, so is a weak equivalence (in the sense of here).

In fact, \odot is even a strict test category.


For the basic properties of atoms, and their relations to cube, simplices, and other shapes:

Statements about Eilenberg-Zilber category and test category are proved here:

  • Clémence Chanavat, Amar Hadzihasanovic, Diagrammatic sets as a model of homotopy types, 2024 (arXiv:2407.06285)

In part 8, we find a lot of results to prove that Eilenberg-Zilber related categories are test categories:

Last revised on March 13, 2025 at 13:06:01. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.