nLab diagrammatic set




Diagrammatic sets are presheaves over the atom category. There are kind of geometric polygraphs, and can serve as a model for higher categories.



(diagrammatic set)
A diagrammatic set XX is a presheaf over \odot, the category of atoms and cartesian maps. Diagrammatic sets and natural transformations form the category Set\odot\mathbf{Set}


Let RDCpx\mathbf{RDCpx} be the category of regular directed complexes and cartesian maps. Since atoms are regular directed complexes, there is a full subcategory inclusion i:RDCpxi \colon \odot \hookrightarrow \mathbf{RDCpx}. Moreover, any regular directed complex PP is canonically a colimit of its atoms, in the sense that there is a functor

P *:PRDCpx P^* \colon P \to \mathbf{RDCpx}

sending xPx \in P to the atom cl(x)\mathrm{cl}(x) and xyx \le y to the inclusion cl(x)cl(y)\mathrm{cl}(x) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{cl}(y), such that

colimP *P. \colim P^* \cong P.

Since Set\odot\mathbf{Set} is the free cocompletion of \odot, one might wonder what happens when we compute the same colimit, but with the functor:

P *:PSet. P^* \colon P \to \odot\mathbf{Set}.

sending xPx \in P to y(cl(x))y(\mathrm{cl}(x)), where yy is the Yoneda embedding. Unsurprisingly, we obtain the same thing, in the following precise sense. The subcategory inclusion ii defines a restricted Yoneda embedding:

i *:RDCpxSet i^* \colon \mathbf{RDCpx} \to \odot\mathbf{Set}

that sends a regular directed complex PP to the presheaf RDCpx(i *(),P)\mathbf{RDCpx}(i^*(-), P).


The functor i *i^* is fully faithful.

This means that ii is a dense functor, so we see RDCpx\mathbf{RDCpx} as a full subcategory of Set\odot\mathbf{Set}, factoring the Yoneda embedding as

SetRDCpxSet. \odot\mathbf{Set} \hookrightarrow \mathbf{RDCpx} \hookrightarrow \odot\mathbf{Set}.

Furthermore, the category \odot is monoidal for the Gray product. By Day convolution, the category Set\odot\mathbf{Set} is also monoidal for (what we also call) the Gray product, with monoidal unit y1y\mathbf{1}, where 1\mathbf{1} is the (Point). Let P,QP, Q be regular directed complexes, we have two ways of computing PQP \otimes Q:

Of course, those two ways give the same result, i.e. i *(PQ)=i *(P)i *(Q)i^*(P \otimes Q) = i^*(P) \otimes i^*(Q).

Another feature is the boundary. Similarly to the boundary of a simplex, any atom UU has a boundary U\partial U which can be computed in two ways:

  • as the regular directed complex U\{ U}U \backslash \{ \top_U \} with underlying poset UU without its top-element,
  • as the diagrammatic set generated from yUyU minus its unique non-degenerate cell in dimension dimU\dim U.

Again, those two ways coincide in the sense that i *(U)=yUi^*(\partial U) = \partial yU.

Diagrammatic sets and higher category theory

The richeness of shapes in the category of atoms, as well as the quite rigid behavior of the category \odot where they live make them a good candidate for modelling higher categories. In this perspective, in a diagrammatic set XX, a natural transformation x:UXx \colon U \to X whose domain is an nn-dimensional atom, correspond to an n n -cell in XX. If UU is more generally an nn-dimensional molecule, we call it an nn-diagram, while when UU is furthermore round, we speak of a round nn-diagram.

Before the more conjectural case of weak higher categories, we can deal with the case of higher groupoids.

Higher groupoids


(diagrammatic horn)
Let UU be an atom, let V αUV \sqsubseteq \partial^\alpha U be a rewritable submolecule of either the input or output boundary. The diagrammatic horn defined by U,VU, V is the regular directed complex

Λ U VU\(V\V). \Lambda^V_U \coloneqq U \backslash (V \backslash \partial V).

We write

λ U V:Λ U VU \lambda^V_U \colon \Lambda^V_U \hookrightarrow U

for the inclusion of a horn into its atom.


Recall that the category \odot contains as a full subcategory the oriented simplices, which is a category isomorphic to the simplex category. Then, any simplicial horn is also a diagrammatic horn.


(Kan diagrammatic set)
A Kan diagrammatic set is a diagrammatic set XX in which all diagrammatic horns have a filler. That is, for all horn inclusions, and all solid arrows in there exists a diagonal dashed filler.

The paper ChanavatHadzihasanovic2024 settles the Kan diagrammatic sets as model of ∞-groupoids in their following theorem:


There exists a cofibrantely generated model structure on diagrammatic sets where

  • cofibrations are monomorphisms, and are generated by {UUUatom}\{ \partial U \hookrightarrow U \mid U\; \text{atom} \},
  • acyclic cofibrations are generated by the diagrammatic horn inclusions,
  • fibrant objects are Kan diagrammatic sets,

which is Quillen equivalent to the classical model structure on simplicial sets.


Note that the existence of the model structure and the Quillen equivalence already follow from the fact that \odot is a test category.

We can realize the Quillen equivalence in two different ways. For the first one, recall that any atom is in particular a poset, of which we can take the nerve, to get a simplicial set, which defines a functor from \odot to sSet\mathbf{sSet}. Then we define Sd :SetsSet\mathrm{Sd}_\odot \colon \odot\mathbf{Set} \to \mathbf{sSet} as the Yoneda extension of this functor, and we name its right adjoint Ex \mathrm{Ex}_\odot. Then:


The adjunction Sd Ex \mathrm{Sd}_\odot \dashv \mathrm{Ex}_\odot realizes the Quillen equivalence of Theorem .

But also, recall that, up to isomorphism, the simplex category is a full subcategory of \odot, thus of Set\odot\mathbf{Set}. The Yoneda extension of this full subcategory inclusion defines the functor i Δ:sSetSeti_\Delta \colon \mathbf{sSet} \to \odot\mathbf{Set}, together with its right adjoint XX ΔX \mapsto X_\Delta. First we observe:


The adjunctions Sd Ex \mathrm{Sd}_\odot \dashv \mathrm{Ex}_\odot and i Δ() Δi_\Delta \dashv (-)_\Delta

sSetSetsSet \mathbf{sSet} \leftrightarrows \odot\mathbf{Set} \leftrightarrows \mathbf{sSet}

factorize the adjunction SdEx\mathrm{Sd} \dashv \mathrm{Ex} of simplicial sets (see subdivision).



The adjunction i Δ() Δi_\Delta \dashv (-)_\Delta also realizes the Quillen equivalence of Theorem .


By two-out-of-three for Quillen equivalences.

Higher category

This part requires notion of internal invertibility in diagrammatic set that are not defined in this article, but whose treatment can be found in Hadzihasanovic2020.


Let UU be a round molecule. The merge of UU is the atom U +U\partial^- U \Rightarrow \partial^+ U.

The merge of a round molecule composes all the top dimensional cells of UU inside one. For instance, the merge of is Notice that U\langle U \rangle shares the same boundaries as UU. In particular, since UU is round, UUU \Rightarrow \langle U \rangle is well-defined.


(weak composite)
Let XX be a diagrammatic set, let x:UXx \colon U \to X be a round nn-diagram. A weak composite of xx is a cell x:UX\langle x \rangle \colon \langle U \rangle \to X such that xxx \simeq \langle x \rangle.

Here, xxx \simeq \langle x \rangle means a cell in XX of shape UUU \Rightarrow \langle U \rangle which is invertible (in a sense we did not define here).

The contender for weak \infty-category is the notion of diagrammatic set with weak composites.


(diagrammatic set with weak composites)
A diagrammatic set has weak composites if all round diagrams have a weak composite. This means that for all round molecules UU, and all solid arrows in there exists a diagonal filler.


The origin of the name is in the following, where diagrammatic sets were presheaves over Johnson’s pasting schemes:

  • Kapranov, M. M., and Voevodsky, V. A.. \infty -groupoids and homotopy types. Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 32.1 (1991) (link)

An older treatment of diagrammatic sets:

For an updated version, together with results for higher groupoids:

  • Clémence Chanavat, Amar Hadzihasanovic, Diagrammatic sets as a model of homotopy types, 2024 (arXiv:2407.06285)

Last revised on July 13, 2024 at 11:23:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.