A module over a commutative ring is dualizable if it is a dualizable object in the symmetric monoidal category of -modules equipped with the tensor product over .
Since this symmetric monoidal category is a closed monoidal category, the dual object to is necessarily .
Furthermore, the abstract evaluation map
must coincide with the map induced by the bilinear map
that sends to .
An -module is dualizable if and only if it is a finitely generated projective module.
First, dualizable objects are closed under retracts and finite direct sums. Any finitely generated projective module is a retract of for some , so to show that finitely generated projective modules are dualizable?, it suffices to observe that is dualizable as an -module.
Conversely, we show that dualizable objects are finitely generated projective modules. Unfolding the definition of a dualizable object, an -module is dualizable if the coevaluation map
and the evaluation map
satisfy the triangle identities:
The coevaluation map sends to a finite sum
The triangle identities now read
The first identity implies that () generate as an -module, i.e., is finitely generated.
Consider the map that sends to . Consider also the map that sends to . The first triangle identity now reads . Thus, is a retract of , i.e., is a projective module.
See also Serre–Swan theorem and smooth Serre–Swan theorem.
(Serre, 1955.) The category of dualizable modules over a commutative ring is equivalent to the category of algebraic vector bundles (defined as locally free sheaves? over the structure sheaf of rings?) over the Zariski spectrum of .
(Swan, 1962.) Given a compact Hausdorff space , the category of dualizable modules over the real algebra of continuous maps is equivalent to the category of finite-dimensional continuous vector bundles over .
(See, e.g., Nestruev 2003, 11.33.) Given a smooth manifold , the category of dualizable modules over the real algebra of smooth maps is equivalent to the category of finite-dimensional smooth vector bundles over .
Last revised on April 14, 2021 at 21:04:14. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.