nLab family fibration

Family fibration

Family fibration


For a category CC, its family fibration is the Grothendieck fibration Fam(C)SetFam(C) \to Set, where

  • An object of Fam(C)Fam(C) is a set-indexed family of objects of CC, say (X i) iI(X_i)_{i\in I} where each X iOb(C)X_i\in Ob(C) for some set II.

  • A morphism of Fam(C)Fam(C) from (X i) iI(X_i)_{i\in I} to (Y j) jJ(Y_j)_{j\in J} consists of a function u:IJu:I\to J along with a family of morphisms (f i:X iY u(i)) iI(f_i : X_i \to Y_{u(i)})_{i\in I}.

The functor Fam(C)SetFam(C) \to Set sends (X i) iI(X_i)_{i\in I} to the set II, and a morphism as above to the function uu. This is a Grothendieck fibration, and its fiber over a set II is the power category C IC^I.


  • Concepts in the category theory of fibrations (or equivalently indexed categories) are generally defined so that when applied to family fibrations, they specialize to the corresponding notions in ordinary category theory.

  • When C=SetC=Set, the family fibration is equivalent to the codomain fibration of SetSet.

Created on January 27, 2025 at 18:15:58. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.