nLab noncommutative rational function

1. Idea

Rational function over an associative kk-algebra RR should be a class of expressions involving operations in noncommutative polynomial ring combined with the operation of formal inverse modulo which are evaluable for at least at some choice of variables in RR in a chosen associative algebra modulo identities which are true after evaluation at common evaluation points.

2. Definitions

The division ring of noncommutative rational functions on a given alphabet is defined in Cohn’s book essentially as follows.

Noncommutative rational expressions

Given a commutative field kk (“field of constants”), and a finite set X={x 1,,x n}X = \{x_1,\ldots,x_n\} (“alphabet”), consider the free algebra on XX (in the sense of universal algebra) of signature {+ 2, 2,() 1 1, 1}\{ +_2, \cdot_2, (\,)^{-1}_1, -_1\} and with constants in kk and denote it by (X,k)\mathcal{R}(X,k). Expressions like 0 10^{-1} and (xx) 1(x-x)^{-1} are in (X,k)\mathcal{R}(X,k) as no relations are imposed (one starts with terms which are elements of XkX\cup k and continues by nesting sequence of algebraic operations eventually connecting all terms). The elements of (X,k)\mathcal{R}(X,k) are sometimes called noncommutative rational expressions on alphabet XX.

Let RR be an associative kk-algebra, and ϕ:XR\phi : X\to R a map of sets. Then there is a subset ϕ(X,k)\mathcal{R}_\phi \subset \mathcal{R}(X,k) (of ϕ\phi-“evaluables”) and a map ϕ *: ϕR\phi_* : \mathcal{R}_\phi\to R uniquely determined by the rules

  • (constants evaluate) If ckc \in k then c ϕc \in \mathcal{R}_\phi and ϕ *(c)=c\phi_*(c) = c.

  • (variables evaluate) If xXx \in X then x ϕx \in \mathcal{R}_\phi and ϕ *(x)=ϕ(x)\phi_*(x) = \phi(x).

  • (sums, products and negatives of evaluables evaluate) If f,g ϕf, g \in\mathcal{R}_\phi, then f+g,fg,f ϕf+g, f\cdot g, -f \in\mathcal{R}_\phi, ϕ *(f+g)=ϕ *(f)+ϕ *(g)\phi_*(f+g) = \phi_*(f) + \phi_*(g), ϕ *(fg)=ϕ *(f)ϕ *(g)\phi_*(f\cdot g) = \phi_*(f)\cdot\phi_*(g) and ϕ *(f)=ϕ *(f)\phi_*(-f) = -\phi_*(f).

  • If g ϕg \in \mathcal{R}_\phi, and ϕ *(g)\phi_*(g) is invertible in RR, then g 1 ϕg^{-1}\in \mathcal{R}_\phi and ϕ *(g 1)=ϕ *(g) 1\phi_*(g^{-1}) = \phi_*(g)^{-1}.


For every f(X,k)f \in \mathcal{R}(X,k) define Domf\mathrm{Dom}\,f to be the set of all |X||X|-tuples r=(r 1,,r |X|)R |X|\vec{r} = (r_1,\ldots,r_{|X|}) \in R^{|X|} such that f ϕf \in \mathcal{R}_\phi where ϕ=ϕ r\phi = \phi_{\vec{r}} satisfies ϕ(x i)=r i\phi(x_i) = r_i for i=1,,|X|i = 1,\ldots, |X|. Those ff for which Domf\mathrm{Dom} f \neq \emptyset are called nondegenerate. It is clear that f ϕf \notin\mathcal{R}_\phi iff there is a subexpression in ff of the form (f 0) 1(f_0)^{-1} where f 0 ϕf_0 \in \mathcal{R}_\phi and ϕ *(f 0)\phi_*(f_0) is not invertible in RR.

Equivalence of expressions

Two rational expressions with nonempty domains are equivalent if their domains have nonempty intersection and their evaluations agree at the intersection of domains, i.e. fgf\sim g if rDomfDomg\forall\vec{r}\in Dom\,f\cap Dom\,g ϕ r*(f)=ϕ r*(g)\phi_{\vec{r}*}(f) = \phi_{\vec{r}*}(g).

Noncommutative rational functions

The equivalence classes of noncommutative rational expressions with nonempty domain are called noncommutative rational functions in variables in XX of kk-algebra RR. The domain of a rational function is the union of domains of all its representatives. If kk is an infinite field and under some conditions on RR, noncommutative rational functions in alphabet XX over algebra RR naturally form a division ring (skewfield).

Free skewfield

If RR is the matrix ring M n(k)M_n(k) then all noncommutative rational functions in alphabet XX form a skewfield traditionally denoted by k<(X>)k\lt\!\!\!\!\!(\,X\!\!\gt\!\!\!\!\!). It is the universal field of fractions of the noncommutative polynomial ring k[X]k[X].

Amitsur considered instead R=DR = D where DD is any skewfield which is infinite-dimensional over its center Z(D)Z(D), where Z(D)Z(D) is infinite as well. He obtained the universal field of fractions which does not depend on DD in this construction either.

3. Properties

Cohn proved that if in the free skewfield any full matrix is invertible. An n×nn\times n matrix AA is full if it can not be factorized as A 1A 2A_1 A_2 where A 1A_1 is n×rn\times r, A 2A_2 is r×nr\times n and r<nr\lt n.

4. Literature

Noncommutative rational identities are formally studied in

  • S. A. Amitsur, Rational identities and application to algebra and geometry, J. Alg. 3 (1966) 304–359.
  • P. M. Cohn, Free rings and their relations, Academic Press 1971.
  • George M. Bergman, Rational relations and rational identities in division rings. I, J. Algebra 43 (1976) 252–266

The division ring of noncommutative rational functions on a given alphabet is defined in Cohn’s book.

  • George M. Bergman, Skew fields of noncommutative rational functions, after Amitsur. In Séminaire Schützenberger–Lentin–Nivat, Année 1969/1970, No. 16. Paris 1970 EuDML
  • P. M. Cohn, Universal skew fields of fractions, Symposia in Mathematics 8 (1972) 135–148
  • C. Reutenauer, Inversion heights of free fields, Selecta Mathematica, N. S. 2:1 (1996) 93–109 pdf
  • I. M. Gel'fand, V. S. Retakh, Determinants of matrices over noncommutative rings, Funkc. Anal. Pril. 25:2 (1991) 91–102; engl. transl. Funct. Anal. Appl. 21(1991) 51–58; A theory of noncommutative determinants and characteristic functions of graphs, Funkc. Anal. Pril. 26:4 (1992) 231–246.
  • Zoran Škoda, Universal noncommutative flag variety, preprint (the exposition above is mainly taken from here)
  • Daniel Krob, Expressions rationelles sur un anneau, in Marie-Paule Malliavin, Topics in invariant theory, Springer LNM 1478

Relation to free Lie algebras is in

  • A. I. Lichtman, On universal fields of fractions for free algebras, J. Alg. 231 (2000) 652–676 doi

It is used in the study of skewfields, Cohn localization, quasideterminants, noncommutative integrable systems and so on.

  • Natalia Iyudu, Stanislav Shkarin, A proof of the Kontsevich periodicity conjecture, Duke Math. J. 164, no. 13 (2015) 2539–2575 doi arXiv:1305.1965

  • M. Kontsevich, Noncommutative identities, writeup of the 2011 MPIM Bonn Arbeitstagung talk, arXiv:1109.2469

category: algebra

Last revised on July 19, 2024 at 17:28:21. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.