nLab overconvergent derived loop spaces

Overconvergent derived loop spaces are analogs of derived loop spaces adapted to the setting of overconvergent global analytic geometry. Their aim is to give a take at overconvergent analogs of 𝒟\mathcal{D}-modules.

Overconvergent de Rham space

Let XX be a global analytic space over a Banach ring RR. The de Rham space X dRX_{dR} is usually defined as the quotient of XX by the formal groupoid obtained by formal completion of the groupoid of pairs X×XX\times X acting on XX along its unit section (given by the diagonal map). If XX is separated, then this diagonal map is closed, and we may (in the affine case), see this formal completion as the spectrum of the projective limit of the quotients 𝒪 X×X/ Δ n\mathcal{O}_{X\times X}/\mathcal{I}_{\Delta}^n. To get an overconvergent version of this formal neighborhood of the diagonal in X×XX\times X, we may simply take the ind-Ring of germs of functions on X×XX\times X around the diagonal. It may be an interesting question to try to relate sheaves on the corresponding quotient X dR X^\dagger_{dR} of XX by the corresponding groupoid to modules over the ring 𝒟 \mathcal{D}^\infty of differential operators of infinite order.

Overconvergent derived loop spaces

The basic idea of overconvergent derived loop spaces is to give a loop space version of the above construction of X dR X^\dagger_{dR}. Recall that if XX is an analytic Artin derived stack, we may define the associated formal loop space as the formal completion L^X\hat{L} X of the loop space groupoid LX=Hom dSt(S 1,X)LX=Hom_{dSt}(S^1,X) along the constant loop unit section c:XLX,xc xc:X\to LX,\;x\mapsto c_x.

Recall that more concretely, one will have LXX× X×X hXLX\cong X\times^h_{X\times X} X. In some sense, this construction corresponds to the intuitive idea of using a kind of (derived) tubular neighborhood of the diagonal to make its auto-intersection interesting (of course, the classical auto-intersection is equal to itself). One may be tempted to replace both XX‘s that appear in the above formula by the corresponding germs neighborhood of the diagonal XX inside X×XX\times X, denoted X X×X daggerX^dagger_{X\times X}, and computing the associated homotopical fiber product

L X=X X×X × X×X hX X×X . L^\dagger X=X^\dagger_{X\times X}\times^h_{X\times X} X^\dagger_{X\times X}.

To get a sensible dagger generalization of the formal completion of L daggerXL^dagger X along the constant loop unit section c:XLXc:X\to LX, we will (be careful, It is not so clear that such a construction will fulfill smooth descent, so that we may need to restrict to usual analytic spaces to get a sensible result) take the analytic germs completion L^ X\hat{L}^\dagger X of L XL^\dagger X along c:XLXc:X\to LX. This means that we consider the filtered colimit (aka intersection) of all Berkovich open subspaces of L XL^\dagger X that contain c(X)c(X). Trying to work everywhere with convergent power series seems like a very natural thing to do if we are doing analytic geometry.

Created on December 11, 2014 at 15:24:55. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.