nLab restriction

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The restriction of a function f:XYf: X \to Y to a subset UU of XX is simply the composite of ff and the inclusion function of UU:

Ui UXfY. U \stackrel{i_U}\to X \stackrel{f}\to Y .

It is often written as f |U:UYf_{|U}: U \to Y, or f| Uf|_U, or a variation.

More generally, in any category CC, a monomorphism i U:UXi_U : U\hookrightarrow X, and a morphism f:XYf \colon X\to Y, the restriction f| U:UYf|_U \colon U \to Y of ff onto UU is the precomposition f| Ufi Uf|_U \coloneqq f \circ i_U of ff by i Ui_U. A subobject is an equivalence class of monomorphisms. For a different representative of the subobject, i U˜:U˜Xi_{\tilde{U}} \colon \tilde{U}\to X there is a unique isomorphism b:UU˜b \colon U\to\tilde{U} such that i U˜b=i Ui_{\tilde{U}}\circ b = i_U, hence f U˜=fbf_{\tilde{U}} = f\circ b.

Last revised on August 20, 2024 at 09:11:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.