nLab triangulation theorems -- references

Triangulation theorems for manifolds

Triangulation theorems for manifolds

On triangulation conjectures and triangulation theorems on existence of triangulations of manifolds.


The question of triangulability of smooth manifolds was first raised in

and for general topological manifolds in

  • Hellmuth Kneser, Die Topologie der Mannigfaltigkeiten, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (1926), Volume: 34, page 1-13 (eudml:145701)

Proof that every surface admits a combinatorial triangulation:

  • Tibor Radó, Über den Begriff der Riemannschen Fläche, Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged, 2 (101-121), 10 (pdf, pdf)

    Proof that every smooth manifold admits a combinatorial triangulation:

Proof that every smooth manifold admits a combinatorial triangulation is due to

with further accounts in:

A detailed exposition is available in Chapter II (see Thm. 10.6) of

Generalization to existence of equivariant triangulation for smooth G-manifolds (equivariant triangulation theorem):

  • Sören Illman, Equivariant algebraic topology, Princeton University 1972 (pdf)

  • Sören Illman, Smooth equivariant triangulations of GG-manifolds for GG a finite group, Math. Ann. (1978) 233: 199 (doi:10.1007/BF01405351)

  • Sören Illman, The Equivariant Triangulation Theorem for Actions of Compact Lie Groups, Mathematische Annalen (1983) Volume: 262, page 487-502 (dml:163720)

Proof that every 3-manifold admits the structure of a smooth manifold and hence of a combinatorial triangulation:

Proof that in every dimension dim4dim \geq 4 there exist topological manifolds without combinatorial triangulation:

Proof that in every dimension dim5dim \geq 5 there exist topological manifolds without simplicial triangulation:

Last revised on August 14, 2021 at 12:41:50. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.