symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
The trivial ring, or zero ring, is the ring with a single element, which is both and .
One usually denote the trivial ring as or , even though or would make as much sense.
The trivial ring is the only ring in which , since if that is the case then it follows for all elements that .
The trivial ring is the terminal object in Rings. It is both terminal and initial (hence a zero object) in the category of nonunital rings, but it is not initial in Rings (defined as the category of unital rings and unital ring homomorphisms). In fact, there are no unital ring homomorphisms from the trivial ring to any nontrivial ring, hence it is a strict terminal object there.
The trivial ring is an example of a trivial algebra.
Every ring is a 0-truncated ring groupoid, and the trivial ring is the terminal ring groupoid.
If one takes the definition of a field from LombardiQuitté2010, then the trivial ring is a terminal object in the category Field of fields.
The trivial ring is a discrete ring and is the terminal object of both the category of tight apartness rings and the category of discrete rings.
Last revised on January 2, 2025 at 22:59:18. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.