Publications Andrew Stacey

About Me

I am a førsteamanuensis at the Department of Mathematics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, otherwise known as NTNU.

My Role on the n-Lab

One of my roles here is as the local sysadmin. Therefore if someone has any technical questions or problems on the n-lab, it’s a good idea to ask them somewhere that I’ll see them. The best place is at the n-Forum (which I also maintain) since if I’m online I’m probably keeping an eye on the forum, and also there are other people equally (or better) able to answer technical questions and they tend to keep an eye on the forum as well.

My nLab page is Andrew Stacey.

Other Information

My professional homepage is, which has details of my research, seminars, teaching, and other vaguely work-related matters.

Created on November 2, 2011 at 17:33:24 by Andrew Stacey