Schreiber C-infinity module

Recalling that a C-infty algebra AA is a copresheaf AQuantities=CoPrSh(CartesianSpaces)A \in Quantities = CoPrSh(CartesianSpaces) which becomes a copresheaf with values in algebras when restricted along FinSetCartesianSpacesFinSet \hookrightarrow CartesianSpaces, the idea is to define a smooth module over a C-infinity algebra AA to be a copresheaf NQuantitiesN \in Quantities which becomes a copresheaf of modules over the copresheaf of algebras AA when restricted along FinSetCartesianSpacesFinSet \to CartesianSpaces.


A C C^\infty-module over a C-infinity algebra AA is a co-presheaf NQuantities=CoPr(CratesianSpaces)N \in Quantities = CoPr(CratesianSpaces) such that restricted along FinSetCartesianSpacesFinSet \hookrightarrow CartesianSpaces it becomes a copresheaf of modules over the copresheaf (on FinSetFinSet) of algebras AA.



(…expand on this….)

Open issues

We need to think about

  • the details of the definition of tensor product of C C^\infty-modules over C C^\infty-algebras;

  • the details of the definition of dual modules. I.e. with NN a $C C^\infty-module over the C C^\infty-algebras AA, what can we say about

    N *:=Hom C Mod(N,A). N^* := Hom_{C^\infty Mod}(N,A) \,.

    For instance: what notion of hom do we use, how do we equip the extra structure?

Last revised on December 10, 2008 at 13:10:04. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.