All pages
The Schreiber wiki has 331 pages.
Some of these are organised into categories.
- (∞,1)-Yoneda extension
- 65-409: Mathematical Quantum Field Theory
- 7d Chern-Simons theory and the 5-brane
- A higher stacky perspective on Chern-Simons theory
- Abelian Anyons on Flux-Quantized M5-Branes
- abelian infinity-stacks -- abelian sheaf cohomology
- accessing big categories -- filtered colimits and ind-objects
- ana-inverse
- Andrew Stacey
- Anisomorphism
- AnonymousCoward
- Anyonic defect branes in TED K-theory
- Anyonic topological order in TED K-theory
- Anyons on M5-Probes of Seifert 3-Orbifolds
- APTlJp4L
- bachelor thesis Eggertsson
- bachelor thesis Nuiten
- Background fields in twisted differential nonabelian cohomology
- C-infinity differential forms
- C-infinity module
- C-infinity qDGCA
- Cartan-Ehresmann ∞-connection
- Categories and Toposes
- categories of stable objects -- additive, abelian and triangulated categories
- categories, functors and natural transformations in SET
- category of sets, universes, categories
- Chern character in an (∞,1)-topos
- Chern-Weil theory in a smooth (∞,1)-topos
- Chevalley-Eilenberg algebra
- Classical field theory via Cohesive homotopy types
- Cocycles for differential characteristic classes
- cohesive spectra and applications in physics
- Cohomotopy Theory and Branes
- Correspondences of cohesive linear homotopy types and Quantization
- Cosimplicial C-infinity rings and the de Rham complex of Euclidean space
- Course on Homological Algebra
- Course on stacks and action functionals
- created limit
- curvature of ∞-Lie algebroid valued differential forms
- cyclic loop spaces 2022
- Cyclification of Orbifolds
- David Corfield
- David Roberts
- Day on Higher Category Theory - July 2010
- de Rham cohomology in an (∞,1)-topos
- de Rham theorem in an (∞,1)-topos
- deRham theorem
- derived critical locus
- Differential cohesion and Arithmetic geometry
- differential cohomology - abelian case
- differential cohomology - with general coefficients
- differential cohomology > old
- Differential Cohomology in a Cohesive Topos
- differential cohomology in a cohesive topos
- differential cohomology in a cohesive topos -- full content
- differential cohomology in a cohesive topos -- references
- differential cohomology in an (∞,1)-topos -- examples
- differential cohomology in cohesive topos -- references
- Differential cohomology is Cohesive homotopy theory
- Differential Cohomotopy implies intersecting brane observables
- differential equivariant cohomology
- Differential generalized cohomology in Cohesive homotopy type theory
- differential nonabelian cocycles and their sigma-model QFTs
- Differential Nonabelian Cohomology
- Differential Nonabelian Cohomology - Contents
- differential nonabelian cohomology -- old
- differential twisted cohomology
- differential twisted String and Fivebrane structures
- disk-shaped cobordism
- Duality of Monads in Geometric Homotopy Theory
- Ehresmann ∞-connection
- Einstein summation convention
- empty
- empty 1
- emulating higher homotopies -- homotopy and derived categories
- Engineering of Anyons on M5-Probes
- Entanglement of Sections
- Equivariant cohomology of M2/M5-branes
- Equivariant Cohomotopy and Branes
- Equivariant Cohomotopy implies orientifold tadpole cancellation
- Equivariant Cohomotopy of toroidal orbifolds
- Equivariant homotopy and super M-branes
- Equivariant principal infinity-bundles
- Equivariant Stable Cohomotopy and Branes
- Equivariant Super Homotopy Theory
- Erlangen2012
- Exposition of Higher Gauge Theory
- Extended higher cup-product Chern-Simons theories
- F-theory seminar
- files
- Fivebrane structure
- Fivebrane structures
- flat differential cohomology
- Flux Quantization
- Flux Quantization on 11D Superspace
- Flux Quantization on Holographic M5-Branes
- Flux Quantization on M5-Branes
- Flux Quantization on Phase Space
- Formalizing Cartan Geometry in Modal HoTT
- foundationalist
- From higher to exceptional geometry
- Fundamental weight systems are quantum states
- Garben und Stacks
- Gauge enhancement of Super M-Branes
- Generalized cohomology of M2/M5-branes
- generalized smooth L-infinity algebroid
- geometric embedding
- geometric morphisms of sheaf topoi
- Globalizing Parallel 2-Transport
- gluing -- coverage and sheaves
- heuristic introduction to sheaves, cohomology and higher stacks
- Higher and Equivariant Bundles
- Higher Cartan Geometry
- Higher Chern-Simons theory Introduction
- Higher Chern-Weil Derivation of AKSZ Sigma-Models
- Higher extensions of diffeomorphism groups
- Higher field bundles for gauge fields
- Higher geometric prequantization
- Higher geometric prequantum theory
- higher group characters
- Higher local prequantum field theory
- Higher Prequantum Geometry
- Higher Structures
- Higher T-duality of super M-branes
- Higher theta functions and higher CS-WZW holography
- Higher Topos Theory in Physics
- Holographic M-Brane Super-Embeddings
- HomePage
- Homotopy Theory for Topological Quantum Computing
- homotopy type representation theory -- table
- Hypothesis H
- infinitesimal path ∞-groupoid > history
- infinity-Chern-Simons functionals
- infinity-Chern-Simons theory
- infinity-Chern-Simons theory -- action functionals
- infinity-Chern-Simons theory -- covariant phase space
- infinity-Chern-Simons theory -- examples
- infinity-Chern-Simons theory -- Lagrangians
- infinity-groupoids
- infinity-line-bundles with connection -- Deligne cohomology
- integration of ∞-Lie algebroid valued differential forms
- Introduction to Higher Supergeometry
- Introduction to Homological Algebra
- Introduction to Hypothesis H
- invariant polynomial on ∞-Lie algebroid
- Jim Stasheff
- Journal Club -- (infinity,1)-Categories
- Knots for quantum computation from defect branes
- L-infinity algebra connections
- L-∞ algebras of local observables from higher prequantum bundles
- Laws of Type
- layers of foundations
- Lie n-algebras of BPS charges
- Lie n-algebras of higher Noether currents
- Lie theory
- Lie theory in an (∞,1)-topos
- Lift of fractional D-brane charge to equivariant Cohomotopy theory
- lifted limit
- list of notation and constructions in categories of fibrant
- list of notation and constructions in categories of fibrant objects
- Local prequantum field theory
- M-Algebra and Exceptional Tangent Spaces
- M-Theory from the Superpoint
- M/F-Theory as Mf-Theory
- map of mathematics
- master thesis Bongers
- master thesis Nuiten
- master thesis Stel
- Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field and Perturbative String Theory
- message to the h-bar
- Michael Polanyi
- Microscopic Brane Physics from Cohomotopy
- Minicourse on nonabelian differential cohomology
- model structure on omega categories internal to spaces
- Modern Physics formalized in Modal Homotopy Type Theory
- monoidal and enriched categories
- motivation for sheaves, cohomology and higher stacks
- Motivic quantization of local prequantum field theory
- New Foundations for TDA -- Cohomotopy
- next
- nonabelian Chern character
- Nonabelian cocycles and their quantum symmetries
- nonabelian de Rham cohomology
- nonabelian de Rham cohomology > history
- Nonabelian homotopical cohomology and fiber bundles
- notes
- notes-
- Obstruction theory for parameterized higher WZW terms
- omega-anafunctor
- On 2-group symmetries
- on the nLab
- page
- Parametrised homotopy theory and gauge enhancement
- path ∞-groupoid
- Perì Pantheōrías
- Physics of the Observer
- Prequantum covariant field theory
- Prequantum field theories from Shifted symplectic structures
- Prequantum field theory and the Green-Schwarz WZW terms
- preserved limit
- presheaf categories with values in small sets
- principal 2-bundle with connection
- principal bundles with connection and differential K-theory
- principal infinity-bundles
- principal omega-bundles
- Principal ∞-bundles -- theory, presentations and applications
- Proper Orbifold Cohomology
- Proper Orbifold Cohomotopy for M-Theory
- QPL2024
- QS -- Quantum Systems Language
- quantization in an (∞,1)-topos
- Quantization of Differential Nonabelian Cohomology
- quantization of differential nonabelian cohomology
- quantization of differential nonabelian cohomology - contents
- Quantization via Linear homotopy types
- Quantization via twisted generalized cohomology
- quantomorphism 3-group of 3d Spin-Chern-Simons theory
- Quantum and Reality
- Quantum Certification via Linear Homotopy Types
- Quantum Computation with Defect Branes
- Quantum gauge field theory in Cohesive homotopy type theory
- Quantum Language via Linear Homotopy Types
- Quantum Observables of Quantized Fluxes
- Rational parameterized stable homotopy theory
- Rational sphere valued supercocycles in M-theory
- reflected limit
- relative cohomology
- Research proposal -- Higher Chern-Weil Theory
- restriction and extension of presheaves
- Riemannian manifold
- scratch paper
- self-dual holographic duals of infinity-Chern-Simons theory
- Seminar dates
- Seminar on (∞,1)-Categories and ∞-Stacks
- Seminar on derived critical loci
- Seminar on derived differential geometry
- Seminar on quantum field theory
- Seminar on simplicial methods
- Seminar on Smooth Loci
- sheaves
- Sheaves and Stacks
- smooth (∞,1)-operad
- smooth (∞,1)-topos
- smooth cohomology
- Smooth Sets of Fields
- Some Quantum States of M-Branes under Hypothesis H
- Some thoughts on the future of modal homotopy type theory
- stabilization -- chain complexes and homological algebra
- stable infinity-stacks -- homological algebra
- stable infinity-stacks: homological algebra
- strict ∞-Lie groupoid
- StringMath2017
- Strings2019
- structural context for fundamental (quantum) physics
- Structure Theory for Higher WZW Terms
- structures in an (∞,1)-topos
- Sullivan differential forms
- Super Cartan Geometry
- Super Lie n-algebra of Super p-branes
- super smooth (∞,1)-topos
- Super T-Duality inside the Superpoint
- Super topological T-Duality
- super ∞-Lie groupoid
- Super-exceptional embedding construction of the M5-brane
- Super-Exceptional Geometry for 11D Supergravity
- Super-exceptional M5-brane model -- Emergence of SU(2)-flavor sector
- Super-Lie-infinity T-Duality and M-Theory
- supergravity C-field
- Sur la notion d'identification en physique et en mathématiques
- symplectic -Lie algebroid
- symplectic ∞-Lie algebroid
- Synthetic geometry of differential equations
- Synthetic prequantum field theory in a cohesive homotopy topos
- Synthetic Quantum Field Theory
- Synthetic quantum theory in higher cohesive toposes
- T-Duality from super Lie n-algebra cocycles for super p-branes
- T-duality in rational homotopy theory via strong homomotopy Lie algebras
- TED K-theory of Cohomotopy moduli spaces and Anyonic Topological Order
- The (co-)reflective categories of supergravity
- The brane bouquet
- The Character Map in Equivariant Twistorial Cohomotopy
- The Character Map in Non-Abelian Cohomology
- The Character Map in Twisted Equivariant Non-Abelian Cohomology
- The Hidden M-Group
- The Higher Structure of 11d Supergravity
- the homotopy category of infinity-stacks
- The M-Theory BPS charge super Lie 6-algebra
- The moduli 3-stack of the C-field
- The Quantum Monadology
- The rational higher structure of M-theory
- The use of nonabelian differential cohomology
- The WZW term of the M5-brane
- theory of differential nonabelian cohomology
- thesis Braunack-Mayer
- thesis Wellen
- Toby Bartels
- Topological K-Theory
- Topological QBits in Flux-Quantized Supergravity
- Topological Quantum Gates from M-Theory
- Topological Quantum Gates in Homotopy Type Theory
- Topological Quantum Programming in TED-K
- Towards Certified Topological Quantum Programming via Linear Homotopy Types
- Towards Quantum Programming via Linear Homotopy Types
- twisted Bianchi identity
- Twisted Cohomotopy implies M-theory anomaly cancellation on 8-manifolds
- Twisted Cohomotopy implies M5 WZ term level quantization
- Twisted Cohomotopy implies M5-brane anomaly cancellation
- Twisted Cohomotopy implies twisted String structure on M5-branes
- Twisted Differential Nonabelian Cohomology
- Twisted Differential String and Fivebrane Structures
- Twisted Differential Structures
- Twisted differential structures
- Twisted Equivariant Differential non-abelian generalized cohomology
- Twistorial Cohomotopy implies Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation
- Two Notions of Nonabelian Differential Cohomology
- universal constructions -- adjunction, limit and Kan extension
- Urs Schreiber
- What is... the nLab
- What, and for what is Higher geometric quantization
- Whitehead theorem
- Zoran Škoda
- Čech Cocycles for Differential Characteristic Classes
- ∞-geometric prequantization
- ∞-Lie algebroid
- ∞-Lie algebroid valued differential forms
- ∞-Lie differentiation and integration
- ∞-Lie groupoid
- ∞-Lie theory - Contents
- ∞-quantity
- ∞-vector bundle
- ∞-Wess-Zumino-Witten theory