Some notes.
We want to check that the the -isomorphism sends IIA cocycles to IIB cocycles.
The M-brane cocycles
We set
for any and
The IIA D-brane cocycles
We get the IIA cocycle for F1, D0, D2 and D4 from double dimensional reduction of the above M-brane cocycles.
Deriving the IIB D-brane cocycles
We compute the IIB D-brane cocycles form the above cocycle by appying the T-duality isomorphism.
Rescaled metric
Define a rescaled metric by
and hence
The IIB circle
The D1-brane
where in the third line we inserted from def. \ref{9thBClifford},
The D3-brane
where in the third line we inserted from def. \ref{9thBClifford}.
Last revised on November 1, 2016 at 09:48:58.
See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.