Spahn HTT, 2. fibrations of simplicial sets (Rev #2)


1. 2.0

Definition. A morphism of simplicial sets is called

  1. a Kan fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to every horn inclusion.

  2. a trivial fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to every boundary inclusion Δ[n]Δ[n]\partial \Delta[n]\hookrightarrow \Delta[n].

  3. a left fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to every horn inclusion except the right outer one.

  4. a left fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to every horn inclusion except the left outer one.

  5. a left fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to every inner horn inclusion.

  6. left anodyne if it has the left lifing property with respect to every left fibration.

  7. right anodyne if it has the left lifing property with respect to every right fibration.

  8. inner anodyne if it has the left lifing property with respect to every inner fibration.

  9. minimal fibration roughly said, when the morphism is determined by its values on the boundaries.

  10. cartesian fibration

  11. cocartesian fibration

  12. categorical fibration

Remark 1.1. We have the following intuition in regard to these types of fibrations

  1. Right fibrations are the \infty-categorical analog of fibrations in groupoids.

  2. Left fibrations are the \infty-categorical analog of cofibrations in groupoids.

  3. Cartesian fibrations are the \infty-categorical analog of fibrations (not necessarily in groupoids).

Remark 1.2. (anodyne morphisms)

  1. Every map of simplicial sets admits a factorization into an anodyne ((left anodyne, right anodyne, inner anodyne, a cofibration) followed by a Kan fibration (left fibration, right fibration, inner fibration, trivial fibration).

  2. The theory of left fibrations and left anodyne morphisms is dual to that of right fibrations and right anodyne morphisms; i.e. if STS\to T is a left fibration (left anodyne morphisms) iff the induced map S opT opS^{op}\to T^{op} right fibrations and right anodyne morphisms.

2. 2.1

Proposition +. Let F:CDF:C\to D be a functor between categories. The FF is a fibrations in groupoids iff the induced map N(F):N(C)N(D)N(F):N(C)\to N(D) is a left fibration of simplicial sets.

Lemma +. Let q:XSq:X\to S be a left fibration of simplicial sets. The assignment

{hSH sX s ff 1\begin{cases} hS\to H \\ s\mapsto X_s \\f\mapsto f_1 \end{cases}

Remark (, 2.1. (left fibrations) 1. The projection from the over category is a left fibration.

1.The property of being a left fibration is stable under forming functor categories.

3. 2.3 Inner fibrations and minimal inner fibrations

Corollary Fun(Δ[2],C)Fun(Λ 1[2],C)Fun(\Delta[2],C)\to Fun(\Lambda_1[2],C) is a trivial fibration.

Every \infty-category is categorial equivalenct to a minimal \infty-category.

2.3.3. Minimal inner fibrations

Definition Let p:XSp : X \to S be an inner fibration of simplicial sets. pp is called minimal inner fibration if f=f f = f^\prime for every pair of maps f,f :Δ[n]Xf , f ^\prime : \Delta[n] \to X which are homotopic relative to Δ[n]\partial \Delta[n] over SS .

An \infty-category CC is called minimal \infty-category if C*C\to * is minimal.


Every \infty-category is equivalent to a minimal \infty-category.

2.3.4 Theory of nn-categories

Proposition Proposition For a simplicial set XX the following statements are equivalent:

  1. the unit u:XN(hX)u:X\to N(hX) is an isomorphism of simplicial sets.

  2. There is small category CC and an isomorphism of simpliial sets XN(C)X\simeq N(C).

  3. SS is a 1-category.

Proposition Let CC be an ∞\infty-category. Let n≥−1n\ge -1. Then the following statements are equivalent:.

  1. CC is an nn-category.

  2. For every simplicial set KK and every pair of maps f,g:KCf,g:K\to C such that f|sk nKf| sk^n K and g|sk nKg|sk^n K are homotopic relative to sk n1Ksk^{n-1}K, we have f=gf=g.

Corollary Let CC be an nn-category and let XX be a simplicial set. Then Fun(X,C)Fun(X,C) is an nn-category.

Proposition Let CC be an \infty-category. Let n1n\ge 1.

  1. There exists a simplicial set h nCh_n C with the following universal mapping property: Fun(K,h nC)=[K,C]/Fun(K,h_n C)=[K,C]/\sim.

  2. h nCh_n C is an nn-category.

  3. If CC is an nn-category, then the natural map Θ:Ch nC\Theta:C\to h_n C is an isomorphism.

  4. For every nn-category DD, composition with Θ\Theta is an isomorphism of simplicial sets Fun(h nC,D)Fun(C,D)Fun(h_n C,D)\to Fun(C,D).

Corollary Let XX be a Kan complex. Then is is equivalent to an nn-category iff it is nn-truncated.

2.1.3 (characterization of Kan fibrations by maps between their fibers.

Proposition 3.1. Let p:STp:S\to T be a left fibration of simplicial sets. Then the following statements are equivalent

  1. pp is a Kan fibration.

  2. For every edge f:tt f:t\to t^\prime in T,themap, the map f_!:S_t\to S_^{t^\prime}$ is an isomorphism in the homotopy category of spaces.

2.1.4 The covariant model structure

This section is a preparation for the Grothendieck consruction for \infty-categories.

uses the model structure on simplicially enriched categories

Definition left- and right cone of a morphism of simplicial sets

cone point

The covariant model structure is a ‘’relative model structure’‘


Let SS be a simplicial set . A morphism f:XYf:X\to Y in sSet /SsSet_{/S} is called a

(C) covariant cofibration if it is a monomorphism of simplicial sets.

(W) a covariant weak equivalence if the induced map

X XSY YSX^\triangleleft\coprod_X S\to Y^\triangleleft\coprod_Y S

is a categorical weak equivalence.

(F) covariant fibration if it has the right lifting property with respect to every map wich is both a covariant cofibration and a covariant equivalence.

Lemma 3.2. every left anodyne map is a covariant equivalence

Proposition 3.3. The covariant model structure determines a left proper, combinatorial model structure on sSet /SsSet_{/S}

Proposition 3.4. Every covariant fibration is a left fibration of simplicial sets

Proposition 3.5. The covariant model structure is functorial in SS.

Remark 3.6. There is also a contravariant model structure

2.2.5 The Joyal model structure

Requisite: Theorem Let XX be a simplicial set. Then XX is fibrant in the Joyal model structure iff XX is an \infty-category.

Theorem The exists a left proper, combinatorial model structure on the category of simplicial sets such that

(C) Cofibrations are precisely monomorphisms

(W) A map pp is a categorical equivalence iff S(p)S(p) is an equivalence of simplicial categories.

here: give proof of Proposition

4. 2.4 Cartesian fibrations

Definiton Let p:XSp:X\to S be an inner fibrations of simplicial sets. Let f:xyf:x\to y be an edge in XX. Then ff is called pp-cartesian if the induced map

X /fX /y× S p(y)S /p(f)X_{/f}\to X_{/y}\times_{S_{p(y)}} S_{/p(f)}

is a trivial Kan fibration.


  1. Every edge of a simplicial set is pp cartesian for an isomorphism.

  2. Let pp be an inner fibration, let qq be the pullback of pp (which s then also an inner fibration). Then an edge is pp cartesian if ‘’its pullback’‘ is qq-cartesian.

  3. (…)

Corollary Let p:CDp:C\to D be an inner fibration between \infty-categories. Every identity morphism of CC (i.e. every degenerate edge of CC) is pp-cartesian.

Proposition (left cancellation) Let p:CDp:C\to D be an inner fibration between simplicial sets. Let

C 1 f g C 0 h C 2\array{ &C_1& \\ {}_f\nearrow&\searrow^g \\ C_0&\stackrel{h}{\to}&C_2 }

Let gg be pp-cartesian. Then ff is pp-cartesian iff hh is pp-cartesian.

Proposition (…)

Definition Let p:XSp:X\to S be a map of simplicial sets. Then pp is called a cartesian fibration if the following coditions are satisfied.

  1. pp is an inner fibration.

  2. Every edge of has a pp-cartesian lift.










Revision on June 21, 2012 at 00:05:13 by Stephan Alexander Spahn?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.