All pages
The Spahn wiki has 178 pages.
Some of these are organised into categories.
- (n,1)-category in Ho TT
- a reading guide to HTT
- a syntactical approach to weak omega-groupoids
- Ad(K)
- adjunctions, modalities and closures
- aesthetics of mathematics
- Alexandre Miquel
- algebraic- and coalgebraic semantics of modal logic
- applications of operads
- aspects of topoi
- axiomatic cohesion
- axioms of choice
- bimodule
- bisimulation
- Cartier duality
- categorical distribution
- categorical logic and type theory
- category object
- category theoretic aspects of the theory of group schemes
- classical lambda calculus in modern dress
- Clemens Berger, A Cellular Nerve for Higher Categories
- coalgebra over a comonad
- coalgebras, corings and birings in the theory of group shemes
- codensity monad
- combinatorial shape
- combinatorial species
- combinatorics
- combinatorics of trees
- constant group scheme
- continuum hypothesis
- copy locally representable structured (infinity,1)-topos
- Coq
- cosimplicial-thickening functor
- couniversal mapping property 1
- derivation
- diagonalizable group scheme
- dictionary HoCT-HoTT
- directed algebraic structure
- directed homotopy theory
- directed object
- directed object - references
- directed object'
- display of a formal p-divisible group
- duality
- effect algebra
- effect algebra of predicates
- Empty 788
- Empty 952
- Et/X
- ethics of mathematics
- Eugenio Moggi
- examples of (group) schemes
- extensive category
- extensive quantity
- factorization of a monad
- factorization system
- Feynman diagram
- field with one element
- Fiore and Leinster on complex numbers
- Formalizing Belief Revision in Type Theory
- foundations
- Gallina example
- Galois connection
- Galois module
- Giuseppe Primiero
- Giuseppe Primiero, information and knowledge - a constructive type-theoretical approach
- graded derivation
- graph - references
- Grothendieck construction in HTT
- group algebra
- Haskell
- Hazewinkel, Witt vectors
- heterogenous equality
- higher inductive type
- HomePage
- homotopy type theory and Voevodsky's univalent foundations
- HoTT-Coq - references
- HTT, 1. an overview of higher category theory
- HTT, 1.1, fondations for higher category theory
- HTT, 1.2, the language of higher category theory
- HTT, 2. fibrations of simplicial sets
- HTT, 4. limits and colimits
- HTT, 5. presentable and accessible infinity-categories
- HTT, A.2 model categories
- HTT, A.2.2
- HTT, A.3 simplicial categories
- HTT, A.3.1
- HTT, A.3.2
- idempotent monad
- infinitesimal cohesive type theory
- information theory
- internal formulation of cohesion
- internal type theory and nonstandard type theory
- interval object
- Joyal model structure in HTT
- kirelagin
- lambda ring
- Lawvere et al, algebraic theories
- Lawvere-Tierney operator
- level in a topos
- locally representable structured (infinity,1)-topos
- mapping simplex
- Martin Hyland, The category theoretic understanding of universal algebra Lawvere theories and monads
- mates
- modal logic
- modalities and multimodalities
- model structure on sSet Cat in HTT
- model theory
- modus
- monad (functional programming)
- monad on a quasicategory
- Monads and the Barr-Beck Theorem
- monads in Haskell
- monads, operads, algebraic theories, substitution
- monoidal quasicategory
- motivic measure
- multiplicative group scheme
- multivariable adjunction
- n-categories, hyperstructures and cohesive HoTT
- n-gram
- neorealism
- nerve
- nerves and Segal conditions
- new directions in categorical logic
- new page Galois theory
- new page Krull dimension
- new page number theory
- newpage cohesion
- newpage étale types
- notes on elephant
- notes on Lawvere-Tierney topologies, monads, object classifiers, local toposes, indexed functors
- notes on modal logic
- p-divisible simplicial group scheme
- p-torsion
- philosophy of mathematics
- Pi-closure
- Pi-factorization system
- polynomial functor
- polynomial monad
- Poset
- Primiero, information and knowledge, chapter 2, analyticity and information
- Primiero, information and knowledge, chapter 3, formal representation of the notion of information
- realisation-and-nerve adjunction
- reflective subcategory of a topos
- relation of certain classes of group schemes
- relative nerve
- Rod Nedepelt
- rules of type theories
- Segal condition
- segment object
- setoid
- sheaf on a sheaf
- simplicial scheme
- spam
- spam 1
- strength
- substitution
- subtopos
- Sylow's theorem
- the fundamental group and Galois theory
- the higher derived cahiers topos
- the p-divisible group A(p)
- timeline of the theory of operads
- total category
- type category
- type theory
- univalence axiom
- univalence in simplicial sets
- universal polynomial
- W-type
- weighted homotopy theory
- Witt polynomial
- Witt vectors
- étale group scheme
- étale scheme
- étale topos
- étale types
- 几何易经