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Remark 0.1. (morphisms in enriched categories)
In a model category there are stricly speaking no morphism defined but only hom objects. So if we wish to define the notion of an enriched model category where we expect to have distinguished classes of morphisms we need to refer to an associated (ordinary - i.e. -enriched) model category where we have morphisms and to qualify our morphisms there as cofibrations, fibrations and weak equivalences, respectively. This is explicated in the following way:
Definition 0.2. (Street, Chapter 1.3)
Let be a monoidal category. Let denote the set of objects of . Let denote the terminal -category ; i.e. has precisely one object and the monoidal unit is defined to be the hom object . Let denote the terminal category. Let . Let denote the 2-category of -categories. Then there is a functor
called the underlying set functor.
So if we speak of a cofibration, fibration or weak equivalences in an enriched category we mean in fact .
Definition A.3.1.1. (Quillen bifunctor)
Let be model categories.
A functor is called Quillen bifunctor if the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) For cofibrations , and in resp. in , the induced map
is a cofibration in . Moreover is acyclic if either or is acyclic; where the pushout is
(2) preserves small colimits in each variable seperately.
Remark 1.1. setting shows that condition 1. in the previous definition reduces to the requirement on to preserve cofibrations and acyclic cofibrations.
Definition A.3.1.2. (monoidal model category)
A monoidal model category is a monoidal category equipped with a model structure satisfying the following:
The tensor product is a left Quillen bifunctor.
The unit object is cofibrant.
The monoidal structure is closed.
Example A.3.1.4 1.2. The category is a monoidal model category with respect to the cartesian product and the Kan model structure.
Definition A.3.1.5. (-enriched model category)
Let be a monoidal model category.
A -enriched model category is defined to be a -enriched category equiped with a model structure satisfying the following:
is tonsured and cotensored over .
The tensor product is a left Quillen bifunctor
Remark A.3.1.6. (alternative characterization of the Quillen bifunctor )
Proposition A.3.1.10. Let , be -enriched model categories. Let be a Quillen adjunction between the underlying model categories. Let every object of be cofibrant. Let
be a weak equivalence for every pair of cofibrant objects , . Then the following are equivalent:
is a Quillen equivalence.
The restriction of determines a weak equivalence of -enriched categories .
Corollary A.3.1.12. Let be a Quillen equivalence between simplicial model categories where every object of is cofibrant. Let be a simplicial functor. Then induces an equivalence of -categories .
Definition A.3.2.1. Let be a monoidal model category.
A functor in is a weak equivaleence if the induced functor is an equivalence of -enriched categories.
In other words: F is a weak equivalence iff
(1) For every pair , the induced map
is a weak equivalence in .
(2) is essentially surjective on the level of homotopy categories.
The following definition says a functor between categories is called a quasi fibrations if every isomorphism has a lift with respect to .
Definition A.3.2.7. Let :C\to D$ be a functor between classical categories.
is called a quasi-fibration if, for every object and every isomorphism in , there exists an isomorphism in such that .
Theorem 3.2.24. Let be an excellent model category. Then:
An -enriched category is a fibrant object of iff it is locally fibrant: i.e. for all the hom object is fibrant.
Let be a -enriched functor where is a fibrant object of . Then is a fibration iff is a local fibration.
Definition. Let be a monoidal category. Let be an -enriched category.
(1) A morphism in is called an equivalence if the homotopy class of is an isomorphism in .
(2) is called locally fibrant object if for every pair of objects , the mapping space is a fibrant object of .
(3) An -enriched functor is called a local fibration if the following conditions are satisfied:
(3.i) is a fibration in for every .
(3.ii) The induced map is a quasi-fibration of categories.
Definition A.3.2.16. (excellent model category)
A model category is called excellent model category if it is equipped with a symmetric monoidal structure and satisfies the following conditions
(A1) is combinatorial.
(A2) Every monomorphism in is a cofibration and the collection of cofibrations in is stable under products.
(A3) The collection of weak equivalencies in is stable under filtered colimits.
(A4) is a Quillen bifunctor.
(A5) The monoidal model category satisfies the invertibility hypothesis.
Ross Street, basic concepts of enriched category theory, pdf