Spahn Grothendieck construction in HTT (Rev #1, changes)

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The Grothendieck construction relates

  • categories of fibrations with contravariant functor categories with codomain CatCat

  • categories of fibrations in groupoids with contravariant functor categories with codomain GrpdGrpd

and dually

  • categories of cofibrations with covariant functor categories with codomain CatCat

  • categories of cofibrations in groupoids with covariant functor categories with codomain GrpdGrpd

To category this constructions to (,1)(\infty,1)-category theory we have the following dictionary of notions

On the level of model categories this is accomplished in the following way:


enriched model categories

(sSetsSet is an excellent model category Example A.3.2.18)

Proposition (p.65): For a simplicial set SS the ovecategory sSet/SsSet/S is a simplicial enriched model category. A.3.1.7


cartesian fibrations?

Revision on June 27, 2012 at 13:45:21 by Stephan Alexander Spahn?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.