combinatorial shape (Rev #4, changes)
Showing changes from revision #3 to #4:
Added | Removed | Changed
1. General theory
Reedy categories
Interaction with model structures, generalized- and elegant Reedy categories
Characterizations of cells
Functorial characterization
Recursive characterization
2. Examples
the simplex category
the globe category
the tree category
the cube category
Joyal’s category
Segal’s category
3. Functorial images of combinatorial shape categories
Constraints on the functor
Nerves, Realization and Segal conditions
Model structures and presentation of higher structures
4. References
This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 242), web (Discussion at the n-Cafe)
Tom Leinster, higher operads, higher categories, arXiv:math/0305049
higher topos theory
André Joyal, The theory of quasicategories and its applications lectures at Simplicial Methods in Higher Categories, (pdf)
André Joyal, Notes on quasi-categories (pdf).
Eugenia Cheng, Aaron Lauda, higher-dimensional categories: an illustrated guide book, pdf
Ieke Moerdijk, Bertrand Toen, simplicial methods for operads and algebraic geometry
Revision on November 13, 2012 at 14:53:25 by
Stephan Alexander Spahn?.
See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.