Spahn p-divisible simplicial group scheme (Rev #2, changes)

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Recall that a p-divisible group scheme? of height hh is a codirected diagram (G l v,i l v) (G_l,i_l) (G_v,i_v) where G lG_l is a group scheme of height p h hvl p^{h}l p^{hv} and the i l v::G vG lG l v+1 i_l::G_l\to i_v:G_v\to G_{l+1} G_{v+1} are morphisms of group schemes such that

G l vi l vG l v+1p l vG l v+1 G_l\stackrel{i_l}{\to}G_{l+1}\stackrel{p^l}{\to}G_{l+1} G_v\stackrel{i_v}{\to}G_{v+1}\stackrel{p^v}{\to}G_{v+1}

is exact.


Revision on June 3, 2012 at 22:33:23 by Stephan Alexander Spahn?. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.