One central topic in higher category theory is the question to determine a realisation-and-nerve adjunction between some higher category of higher categories and some category of spaces.
For example, the instance is called homotopy hypothesis. In this case is said to assign to a space-modulo-weak-homotopy-equivalence its fundamental -groupoid, denoted by . For , and geometric realization of topological spaces this is an equivalence, and moreover a Quillen equivalence of appropriate model categories and hence an equivalence of -categories.
In the previous case , the fact that is a topological space and consequently all the paths and higher paths in it are invertible corresponds to the fact that all morphisms and higher morphisms in are invertible.
Now we wish to describe some other adjunction where , for natural numbers and since here not all higher morphisms in are invertible we think of as an object in whose path space some paths are not invertible and “can be traversed in only one direction”.
Let denote the simplex category. This is the category having finite ordinals as objects and as morphisms monotone maps thereof.
We define the category of simplicial sets by .
Let be the terminal category (the category with one object and one morphism . Then is the discrete category of sets; this is the class of sets and the class of morphisms consists only of the identities.
Let denote the category with two objects and morphism set . is called the walking quiver.
A functor is called a quiver?. This is just a directed graph perhaps with multiple edges and loops.
We denote the category of quivers with natural transformations thereof as morphisms by .
Are there for the objects in , or directed past space objects ?
The interval object in any of these categories is . The path space of is the internal hom object .