Start with the constant group scheme defined by some classical group which gives in every component just the group . Next we visit the notion of étale group scheme. This is not itself constant but becomes so by scalar extension to the separable closure of . So far these examples ‘’do nothing’‘ with the (multiplicative and additive) structure of the ring in which we evaluate our group scheme. But the next instances do this: We define the additive- and the multiplicative group scheme by and sending a -ring to to its underlying additive- and multiplicative group, respectively. These have the ‘’function rings’‘ and and since we note that our basic building blocks and are in fact representable -functors aka. affine group schemes. We observe that we have and call in generalization of this property any group scheme satisfying multiplicative group scheme. (We could have also the idea to call satisfying ‘’additive’‘ but I didn’t see this.)
Recall that is the terminal object of .
is copowered (= tensored)? over . We define the constant -scheme on a set by
For a scheme we compute and see that there is an adjunction
This is just the constant-sheaf-global-section adjunction.
An étale -scheme is defined to be a directed colimit of -spectra of finite separable field-extensions of .
For an étal group scheme we have
(see also coalgebras, corings and birings in the theory of group shemes)
An affine -scheme is a representable object in .
We obtain a group law induced by if satisfies the dual axioms of a group object. We denote the structure maps called comultiplication, counit, and converse by
The additive group
The multiplicative group
The kernels of group homomorphisms. In particular the kernel .
Definition and Remmark 7.1. A group scheme is called multiplicative group scheme if the following equivalent conditions are satisfied:
is diagonalizable.
is diagonalizable for a field .
is the Cartier dual of an étale -group.
is an étale -formal group.
(If , is an epimorphism
(If , is an isomorphism
Remark 7.2. Let dnote a constant group scheme, let be an étale group scheme. Then we have the following cartier duals:
is diagonalizable.