is a geometry, if is an essentially small -category with finite limits, which is idempotent complete, is an admissible structure in
Structured -topos where
(1) is an -topos
(2) is a geometry, i.e. is an essentially small -category with finite limits, which is idempotent complete, is an admissible structure in .
(3) is a -structure (aka “structure sheaf”) on , i.e. a functor which is
(3a) left exact
(3b) induces a jointly epimorphic family in the image of (i.e. every covering sieve consisting of admissible morphisms on an object of induces an effective epimorphism out of the product of the images…)
A morphism of geometries (called transformation by Lurie) is defined to be a functor satisfying (3a),(3b), and takes admissible morphisms to such.
A morphism of geometries is called local morphism of geometries if all its naturality squares are pullbacks.
A geometry is called discrete geometry if
precisely equivalences in are admissible
the Grothendieck topology on is trivial.
denotes the -category of -toposes with morphisms being geometric morphisms such that the inverse image functor preserves small colimits and finite limits.
is called the opposite -category of that of -structured -topoi.
Definition (Relative Spectrum functor, absolute spectrum functor (=“affine scheme”)) 4.1. Let be a morphism of geometries. Let .
(1) Then there is an adjunction
where the left adjoint is called a relative spectrum functor.
(2) Let now be the discrete geometry underlying . Then
is called absolute spectrum functor; here denotes the inclusion of the ind objects of .
Let be a geometry (for structured (∞,1)-toposes).
A -structured (∞,1)-topos is a -scheme if
such that
the cover in that the canonical morphism (with the terminal object of ) is an effective epimorphism;
for every there exists an equivalence
of structured -toposes for some (in the (∞,1)-category of pro-objects of ).