Definition 1.1. Let be an idempotent monad on a presentable -category . A morphism is called -closed if
is a pullback square.
Theorem 1.2. The class of -closed morphisms satisfies the following closure properties:
(1) Every equivalence is -closed.
(2) The composite of two -closed morphisms is -closed.
(3) The left cancellation property is satisfied: If and and are -closed, then so is .
(4) Any retract of a -closed morphism is -closed.
(5) The class is closed under pullbacks which are preserved by .
Remark 1.3. A class of -closed morphism which is closed under pullback is an admissible structure defining a geometry in the sense of Lurie’s DAG.
Theorem (Formally étale subslices are reflective andcoreflecive) 1.4. (1) Let be a slice of . The full sub--category on those morphisms into which are -closed is reflective and coreflective; i.e. fits into an adjoint triple
(2) By the Giraud-Lurie axioms and are -toposes.
(3) In particular is a reflective and coreflective subtopos.
Remark 1.5. (relation of reflective subcategories and reflective factorization systems)
Example (Π inf\mathbf{\Pi}_inf-closed morphism) 1.6. Let be a cohesive -topos equipped with infinitesimal cohesion
Then the class of formally étale morphisms in equals the class of -closed morphisms in which happen to lie in .
Theorem 1.7. For the classs of -closed morphisms in we have in addition to the above closure properties also the following ones:
(1) If in a pullback square in the left arrow is in and the bottom arrow is an effective epimorphism, then the right arrow is in .
(2) Every morphism from a discrete object to the terminal object is in .
(3) is closed under colimit (taken in the arrow category).
(4) is closed under forming diagonals.
Definition (Π inf\mathbf{\Pi}_inf-closed object) 1.8. An object of is called formally étale object if there is a formally étale (effective) epimorphism (called atlas) from a -truncated object into .
Theorem (De Rham theorem for formally étale objects) 1.9. The de Rham theorem holds for any formally étale object for which the de Rham theorem holds level-wise in regard to the Cech nerve induced from the atlas.
Definition (Cover, Atlas) 2.1. Let be a morphism in an -category.
(1) We call a cover of if it is an effective epimorphism.
(2) We call a relative cover wrt. a class of morphisms if its pullback along every morphism in is a cover of and lies in .
(3) We call a -atlas of , if it is a cover and is -truncated. A -atlas we call just an atlas.
Theorem (Hausdorff manifold) 2.2. (1) A manifold is a paracompact if there is a jointly epimorphic set of monomorphisms such that the corresponding Cech groupoid is degree-wise a coproduct of copies of .
(2) is hausdorff if is moreover étale.
Remark and Definition 2.3. (1) In a cohesive -topos , can be defined solely in terms of the internal logic of .
(2) The previous theorem suggests to call an object an -modelled hausdorff -manifold or an -modelled étale -manifold if there is an étale atlas of .
Definition (κ\kappa-compact object, κ\kappa-compact cover, relatively κ\kappa-compact atlas) 2.4. Let be an -category. Let be a morphism.
(1) is called -compact if preserves -filtered colimits.
(2) is called -compact cover if it is a cover and is -compact.
(3) is called relative -compact cover if it is a relative cover wrt. all morphisms with -compact domain.
Remark 2.5. The class of relative -compact covers is closed under composition, pullbacks, and contains all isomorphisms.
Definition (∞\infty-orbifold) 2.6. An -orbifold is defined to be a groupoid object in posessing a relative -compact atlas which is also -closed.
Corollary (De Rham theorem for ∞\infty-orbifolds) 2.7. As a corollary to the De Rham Theorem for étale objects we obtain the de Rham Theorem for -orbifolds.
Observation and Definition (Inertia ∞\infty-orbifold) 2.8. The free loop space object of an -orbifold is an -orbifold and is called the inertia -orbifold of .
What we described so far dualizes to the case of an idempotent comonad. Also the situation where we have adjoint modalities - i.e an adjoint pair where is an idempotent monad and is an idempotent comonad is of interest.
We will describe the foundations of the theory of synthetic differential geometry in terms of adjoint modalities.
The -topos of synthetic differential -groupoids is an infinitesimal cohesive neighborhood of the -topos -of smoooth -groupoids. In this context we call -closed morphisms also étale morphisms.
Definition 3.1. An object we call to be an infinitesimal smooth locus if is contractible.
Lemma (Tangent space) 3.2. For every the-unit evaluates in every infinitesimal smooth locus to the tangent bundle.
Proposition (submersion -, immersion -, and étale map of smooth paracompact manifolds) 3.3. A morphism of smooth paracompact manifolds in is a submersion / imersion / étale morphism iff the induced morphism
is an epimorphism / monomorphism / isomorphism.
Proof. Every can be written as where and is an infinitesimal smooth locus. We compute:
and analogously for . ▮
Theorem 3.4. Let be an étale simplicial manifold being a Kan fibrant object in the projective model structure on simplicial presheaves equipped with an atlas .
Then is -closed.
Proof. is -closed precisely if is equivalent to the homotopy pullback of
We compute this pullback equivalently by a (-categorical) pullback by giving a fibration replacement of . Décalage is a fibration replacement of and since is a right Quillen functor is a fibration replacement of .
Since (-categorial) pullbacks of simplicial objects are level-wise pullbacks it remains to show that for all
is an isomorphism. By the previous Proposition, this is the case precisely if is an étale map of manifolds. But this map is étale by the definition of “étale manifold” which we assumed. ▮
Corollary (Classical étale groupoids) 3.5. An étale Lie groupoid possesses an étale atlas.
Proof. We compute the same pullback as in the proof of the previous Theorem but with the fibration replacement of obtained by the factorization lemma. The fibration replacement of is the left vertical composite in
where is the factorization of the codiagonal of through the pathspace object of . Spelled out the pullback (diagram) which is by assumption a -truncated groupoid interprets as
The factorization lemma says that
is a homotopy pullback iff
is a -categorial pullback. This means precisely that is -closed iff . Since the objects here are simplicial, the latter pullback is computed level-wise. By the previous Proposition the -truncation of is -closed iff the truncation of is a classical Lie groupoid.
being a classical Lie Groupoid means that
(description) ▮
Remark (Étale simplicial manifold) 3.6. If denotes a convenient category of manifolds with only étale maps as morphisms, and is a simplicial object in this category, then Yoneda embedding of this object followed by sheafification yields an étale simplicial manifold.
One can refine the notion of -closedness in the following way.
Definition 3.7. For some integer , a morphism in is called --subclosed / -closed / --supclosed if the characterizing morphism
is -truncted / isomorphism / -connected.
Definition 3.8. An object is called algebraically formally -smooth / algebraically formally étale if the morphism is --supclosed / -closed.
Remark 3.9. (1) Every -truncated object is algebraically formally -smooth.
(2) Every -truncated object is algebraically formally étale if it is contractible.
Last revised on December 11, 2012 at 21:50:46. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.