Spahn group algebra


For a kk-algebra AA and an (abelian) group GG, the space of group morphisms with finite support

A[G]:=hom finsupp(G,A)A[G]:=hom_{fin\,supp}(G,A)

(i.e. space containing just those morphisms which send only finitely many elements of GG not to 00) equipped with the multiplication defined by convolution of functions is called group algebra of AA over GG. With pointwise addition K[G]K[G] is an associative AA-algebra.

Equivalently one can think of the multiplication inthe following way

Take the elements of a group, GG, as labelling a module basis and define the multiplication of two elements by x gx h:=x ghx_g \cdot x_h:=x_{gh}.

If AA is a ring one calls this construction also a group ring.

The notion of group algebra is a special case of that of a category algebra?.

Any group algebra is in particular a Hopf alebra? and a graded algebra?.

The convolution product

If we denote by e ge_g, the generator corresponding to gGg\in G, then an arbitrary element of k[G]k[G] can be written as gGn geg\sum_{g\in G}n_ge_g where the n gn_g are elements of kk, and only finitely many of them are non-zero.

The multiplication is then by what is sometimes called a ‘convolution’ product, that is,

( gGn geg)( gGm geg)= gG( g 1Gn g 1m g 1 1ge g).\Big(\sum_{g\in G}n_ge_g\Big)\Big(\sum_{g\in G}m_ge_g\Big) = \sum_{g\in G}\Big(\sum_{g_1\in G}n_{g_1}m_{g_1^{-1}g}e_g\Big).



There is an adjunction?

(R[]() ×):Alg R() ×Grp(R[-]\dashv (-)^\times):Alg_R \stackrel{(-)^\times}{\to}Grp

where R[]R[-] forms group rings and () ×(-)^\times assigns to an RR-algebra its group of units?.


Let VV be an abelian group. A morphism of rings K[G]End(V)K[G]\to End(V) of the group ring to the endomorphism ring of VV is a K[G]K[G]-module. And any morphism of groups p:GEnd(V)p:G\to End(V) can by extended to a morphism of rings P:K[G]End(V)P:K[G]\to End (V) by p(g)P(e g)p(g)\mapsto P(e_g). This observation is used extensively in the theory of group representations?.


(Maschke’s theorem) Let GG be a finite group, let KK be a field.

Then K[G]K[G] is a semi-simple algebra? iff the order of GG is not divisible by the characteristic? of K.

Last revised on June 1, 2012 at 21:08:39. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.