UF IAS 2012 Archive Notation and terminology

The WG on Informal Type Theory has discussed the merits and demerits of various notations and terminologies in HoTT. This page serves as a place to collect this feedback, especially to inform editorial decisions in The book.


Definitional/judgmental equality

Propositional equality / paths

Map on paths / action of f : A -> B on a path p in A

Transport of u : P(x) along p to P(y)

Dependent map / action of f : \Pi x:A.P(x) on a path p in A

Path composition, diagrammatic order

Path composition, applicative order

n-truncation of a type A


x : A

Propositional reflection / (-1)-truncation of P

Truncation and h-levels

We could moreover drop the “h” from hSet. Also, we can use 1-Type instead of hlevel 3.

Created on April 19, 2018 at 21:16:58 by Univalent foundations special year 2012