David Corfield Wi P



  • PMP: structuralism.

  • Type theory and category theory

  • Philosophy of mathematics: structuralism nailed; maths as logic - inferentialism

  • Philosophy of language/metaphysics: Magidor’s copredication, Ryle type-trespassing, Collingwood presuppositions.

  • Philosophy of physics

  • Intermediate area: temporal logic, intermodalities, probability theory : computer science as applied metaphysics.

  • Michael Friedman, 2014, A Post-Kuhnian Philosophy of Science, Van Gorcum Publishers.

Flow of argument

  • Friedman schema: more exciting form of Kuhnianism, but with a role for philosophy. Philosophy plugs some of the rationality gap.

metascientific phase, revolution, post-revolutionary philosophy.

If we are to unite the gauge theories with relativity theory, need to

  • New revolution: A new logic (modal HoTT) allows for the expression of a hypothesis for M-theory.

Would be as though Frege had some input into GR.

Last revised on September 21, 2021 at 11:01:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.